Monthly Archives: March 2016

your thoughts create

Empower Your Words and Empower Your Life

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Imagine if you could focus on the words you use a little better. If you are used to using disempowering words on a daily basis, you have the opportunity to practice those habits into more positive ones. When you frequently use words like “can’t,” “have to,” or maybe “I’m broke,” you are actually attracting more of those type of experiences to you.

If you could replace a few words or sayings a day, you can empower you feelings, and experiences that you attract. For example if you catch yourself saying “I have to go to work,” you could replace it with “I get to go to work today.” Just by exchanging the words you use, you empower more positive energy. Even if for now, you do not like your work and feel like it is a chore to go, you can empower yourself in the now to create better and more positive energy. That energy attracts a better scenario.

You may then start to see situations at your work improve. You may actually change the energy for better opportunities to come your way, or simply create a better feeling for the current situation you are in. By changing your words and focusing a little clearer, you empower your possibilities. It is how you change your experiences for the better.

Even if your career, job, or life isn’t as pleasant as you would like it to be, giving it negative energy creates more unpleasantness. You can give yourself more hope and opportunity when you can appreciate where you are at now with your words. That in turn helps you create more positive feelings. You can feel positive now regardless of your circumstances. When you utilize the habit of what you frequently say, you summon more positivity in your life.

The word “can’t” is another debilitating one. We often do not know how to do something initially, but by just replacing the word can’t, to I can learn, changes the entire energy of possibility. The word “can’t” really is a choice. You can also change the wording to prefer something better, or I “would like to…”

You can empower yourself by seeing your situation (what you want to improve) as temporary and as a helping stepping stone to get to a better place. I’ve discussed in previous blogs how gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. Changing your words about experiences that you aren’t always grateful for, has more empowering energy of better solutions.

At first you may catch yourself repeatedly in the habit of using empowering statements, but each time you choose to replace them, you will get better over time and change the habit to a more positive one. As you improve, so will the energy. I’ve noticed it gets easier to change habits once I see evidence of things working.

Try it for a while and see how it works for you. It’s just a daily awareness and changing a few words a day to work in your own benefit. Empower your words and empower your life!


Gauge Your Thoughts

By | positive thoughts | No Comments

Experiences in life give us the opportunity to engage, learn, and re engage . Sometimes when we feel down and struggle with negative thoughts, we get stuck in the learning stage and beat ourselves up through replaying the memories and what could have been done differently scenarios. Though life presents to us positive and negative experiences, isn’t it interesting to notice how differently we all handle the experiences? This means we all have a choice in how we handle them. You can choose a better way to navigate.

When you get caught up for long periods of time processing unpleasant experiences rather than letting them guide you towards better experiences, you end up attracting more negative experiences. Life is a feedback mechanism. As we are having life experiences, we are constantly creating our future as well. How and where you dwell your thoughts, and focus on them direct your experiences in the future.

The cool thing is you do not have to let your past create more of your unpleasant experiences. You can use the information as a teacher that you choose over victimization. When I use the term victimization I’m referring to the definition of to dupe or swindle. When we dupe our current reality by wallowing in the past, we attract more of the same victim mentality.

I believe it is ok to feel the moment you are down, or feeling negative thoughts. It is an opportunity as life is to notice what you may have to learn or receive from it and gage your thoughts towards feeling better. You can do it though distractions outside of the situation. Sometimes when you are struggling with many negative thoughts, it can be a difficult task to turn them off and around quick. By focusing on a different activity and really giving it your attention, you give your thoughts space and a break for your brain to process them differently and better.

The fun part is to find your own things that distract your mind, just like your body needs rest and a nap at times to renew and keep you living. Your brain can use a break from thinking so much, especially if they are thoughts that do not feel good. Positive thoughts rewire your brain through neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

For me, I have a variety of daily tools for distractions I’ve accumulated as good feedback through the years. I love to learn and practice pottery, art, cooking, writing, coloring, hiking, yoga, meditation, funny movies, being outside in nature, playing board games, getting a massage, getting pampered, doing a random act of kindness, gift giving on random days, laughing, listening to favorite music, playing with animals, having wine with a friend, eating chocolate, planting a flower, and reading.

Now by all means, my list isn’t a to do list for you. I’m just giving you some examples to get you thinking about things you enjoy and can distract you. We are all born with our own instincts, intuition, and likes. Play more with yours. Try things you’ve been drawn to. Perhaps it’s things you enjoyed when you were young. The joy you create inside yourself is a gift and energy you also give to others. The best thing you can do for other people is to be your best self. When you nourish your soul, you have a grounding to help you navigate easier in life and can be of better service to others.

Here is your invitation to play, focus, and be positive. Experience life in its fullest. Engage, learn, and re gage your thoughts and focus towards a joyful life. What if I told you that when you engage in your enjoyable hobbies, your brain organizes itself toward those neural pathways? Fun = brain health. Get busy doing what you love.