Magnetizing Your Thoughts

By February 27, 2016 Uncategorized No Comments
attracting things

When you focus your attentions on the drama in your life, you will get more of it. If you can daily train your brain to focus bit by bit more on the things you like, love, and are grateful for, you can magnetize more of those things.

Even when it’s one thought or one feeling at a time. Notice how often you smile and feel a certain way in a day. It helps you to center your thoughts on the things that are pleasing and going well in your life. There is always something to notice, no matter how big or small. You can have several things going well daily, but if you continue to focus on the negative ones, you drum up the energy to receive more of the same.

The idea is learning to narrow your focus away from frequent drama. You get to choose what your mind ponders on and how much attention you give it. If you catch yourself constantly thinking about something that bothers you, stop and take notice. Give it some space and a break from that energy. Is it worth giving away your peace? Often the worrying we dwell in is out of our control. You can however divert your attention to more positive thoughts and outcomes.

Our expectations often meet us exactly as we set them up. That is a powerful tool to use to your advantage. If you expect things to go bad, often they will. When you really expect things to go well no matter what, they frequently do. The more consistent you can be with your thoughts and expectations daily, you can attract more things to go more consistently well for you.

Remember you are a powerful magnet. Energy flows where your focus goes. Pay attention to where you give your power. If you feel negative or wrapped in too much drama, take back your power and center yourself better. You do it with practice. The goal is for happiness and joy in your life. While you are appreciating and dwelling more on the good things working for you, watch and see if you attract more to be thankful for. Be choosy in how much time and energy you give to the drama that pops up.