Stepping forward and stepping up in life can require some tough choices. Often we can let opinions and fears of our surroundings hold us back from our greatness and possibilities. When we take the leap of faith and step forward and up, we may have to let go of things and people that aren’t moving in the same direction. Although we can be kind and loving towards others and their dreams, they may not be in a place that is aligned with where we are going.
Think about your life as a boat ride. You will meet people along the way. Some will travel long distances and some will get off at stops you make along the way. You will have old friends and new. And each will have a different purpose and time limit that they will be on your boat ride. When we can allow others to come and go as they need to for their own journeys, we can free up our own powerful creative energy to accept the gifts for us. We can get distracted in the judgments of our expectations over allowing growth and change. When you go on a journey, you rarely end up staying the same. You learn, grow, and often see things from a different perspective from the experience of life. So as you change, so will those around you.
We often think we have to lift and carry everyone in our paths and secure a seat on our boats in life. You can find some peace knowing that they are where they need to be and it may not be your boat through your entire journey.
As we learn and grow, at times we must let go of things, people, and paths that don’t serve our higher purpose. It’s not always easy to let go of people and things when the time arrives to move forward. I have found that each and every one of the paths that have crossed in my life were meant to for a reason, but sometimes that reason only lasts for a season. We teach one another some valuable lessons, but not everyone has the same dreams , goals, or intentions as you. They may continue their travel towards another path up a different mountain.
I know when I look back on my life, I have had many people and things come and go in my life as I have made transitions in careers, goals, and dreams. It can take some practice to get used to, but I have found over time that they were always blessings in disguise. Life can beautifully arrange events and replace with better things aligned with your dreams. Sometimes the people in your life will journey in a different direction than you. It’s a natural transition and often rigged in your favor.
As we grow and step forward and up, we are not going to be able to take everyone and everything in our life with us. They may have a different purpose, yearning, or drive that won’t fit on your boat in the journey. I found that if you can trust the beautiful process of change and letting go, you can soar more effortlessly. I know at times when someone or something has moved on that I didn’t understand it at first and felt tempted to let my feelings get hurt. It took me some time to learn what insecurities were mirrored and what I could work on over time. Also it was generally always for the best.
As usual I have found life disguised as a bit of a mystery, but when I trust what is moved out, better is always moving in. When we fight and resist the change, we ultimately hold ourselves back from the greatness that is working on our behalf. You won’t always recognize or receive the explanation at the time, but when you can move forward and step up in faith, time will reveal the blessings. Nor will it always be easy to let go. To help the process of moving forward without our comfort zones, I find it helps to remember the way is being paved for your next steps.
The more you can trust what is clearing away, the easier it can be to recognize what is coming. As an old saying goes, “It’s hard to catch something new when you’re too busy holding on to all of the old.” Sometimes we need to lessen our grip and trust that what needs to go, will. That makes room for what you have been waiting for. Some people and some things that are aligned with you will continue on your journey and some will naturally fall away.
It’s learning to react less by what falls away and trust more in the unfolding process. We may not understand the letting go and remaining calm, but the more you can trust and allow, the easier it will be to flow.
The same growth you experience may also lead others on a different venture than the ones you met them on. Kindly bless them and let them go. For they will meet and receive the people and things needed on their own journey. As you loosen your reins of expectations, you allow more of the people and things you need for your own. So ultimately letting go is good. It helps you in stepping forward and stepping up in your own life.