You can be a silent revolution of change. It is a positive way we can be productive and powerful each day. It is how we treat others. It is how we can spread peace, love, and kindness. It is our actions that may demonstrate to our children a better way to live. It is how we can help cultivate a more harmonious planet.
It is how we treat fellow human beings. It is how we can enhance all life. Because all life matters; not just human life, but all life. The planet, our animals, and plants.
According to biology, living things are organisms that display the key characteristics of life. These include the ability to grow, reproduce, take in and use energy, excrete waste and respond to the environment.
We have such a symbiotic relationship with nature, and all living things around us. In other words, what we do each day makes an impact on this planet. From a mild microscopic level to the more obvious influences we have with one another, it can be liberating to note how powerful we are in each moment of each day.
When I see the news or observe conflicts on social media, I have to sit back and ponder how can I make a difference. What can I do towards positive and peaceful change? How can we change our conversations towards peaceful solutions and away from violence? How do we undo the damage of what we are seeing in the world today? These are questions I hear from not only from myself, but from loved ones, clients, and my friends on social media. The questions are on our minds.
We want to know how to handle our reactions better. What to tell our children and how to change our behavior as a collective consciousness. This is what impacts our culture and universe.
I think the conversation has to start somewhere, and an improved way of moving forward is being civil amongst our differences. Having the courage to listen carefully before reacting. The bravery to understand rather than argue our “rightness.” I believe the place of rightness often comes more from our egos rather than our hearts.
One thing we can start to do more is holding a safe space for one another through our conversations and feelings before we are so quick to judge from our egos. When we can have a civil or safe environment, we allow space to share experiences to help one another understand actions and perspectives. We can champion more peace in how we live and treat each other each day. How can we heal a world of violence and discrimination without any respect to differences, compassion, and love?
We start with each day and each person we encounter. It is how we handle ourselves and respond to others. It is how we process events and handle our emotions. If we can not deal with them, how do we help our children? Children often learn the most by the examples they see and the observations they make. They do not always communicate what they are absorbing, nor are we always aware that they are constantly taking in what we do. Our actions often speak more loudly than words. Dealing with our own peace and footprint in the world helps improve not only those around us, but our energy into the world.
The only way we can implement more peace is to start with ourselves. Peace and change begin within. This is our silent revolution. If we can’t understand where our own anger comes from and transform it, we certainly can’t expect it from everyone else. We are emotional beings. We are not robots functioning without feelings. It is normal to experience them all, but we aren’t always taught tools in dealing with them.
Awareness is a nice step. Intention is a nice step. Peace is a nice step in a silent revolution of change.