You can’t often control circumstances, but you can choose the direction of your thoughts.

By January 13, 2016 Uncategorized No Comments

You have the abliity to focus in ways that you have not exercised enough to see the results of  your desires.  Too many people are dependent on the behavior of too many others which they don’t have any control over. They then put themselves in control freak modes which is attempting to control the uncontrolable. 

You can adjust your feelings and vibrations to match what you do want.  You just have to spend more time looking at what you do want instead of always focusing on what you don’t want.  Because you can not have both.   Your focus is like a muscle, the more you practice the better you get at it.  If you’ve not practiced the habit of looking for the good in things; being positive, or even being grateful;  it may take a little time changing the direction of your habitual focus (momentum).  That is why small steps each day can increase your outlook and intentions.  

   I believe science is just starting to catch up with understanding the power we have using our minds and yes, our imagination.  We are often taught to ignore our imaginations and accept “responsiblitlies” and by the time we’ve matured quite a bit,  we realize it’s a sham.  We actually create with our imagination. Whether the focus is on things we want or dread, we get what we think about and our expectations are met with how we feel. It can seem daunting at first to realize the power of our thoughts and emotions.  But it can be a wonderful gift once you slow down enough to care about how you’re focusing.  It does take a little awarness and paying attention. You start to become more dilberate in your thinking and thus more picky about your thoughts and reactions to others. 

You can’t often control circumstances, but you can choose the direction of your thoughts.  So be picky about what you focus on and create a positive and enjoyable direction for you thoughts.