It can be very easy to notice each other’s flaws and weaknesses. What if we got into a better habit and pointed out the good we can see or find in each other? Most of us are already aware of our flaws. And I know personally I do work on my weaknesses, but I certainly can not say that I present myself perfectly. I think we are doing the best we can.
Think about how it makes feel when you are criticized. It isn’t a very empowering feeling and sometimes can feel hurtful. I think about the effect and impression I can make upon people. A beautiful quote by Maya Angelou that often pops into my Head is that “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” With that said, perhaps we could focus less on the improvements we think they should make and concentrate more on how we treat them.
You can give someone helpful advice and be kind along with it. If you can be more mindful when approaching someone or in conversation with someone, you can cultivate a habit of encouraging another. People tend to respond and light up when you uplift them. There is an old saying I remember being told when I was growing up that you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. I’ve found that to be true with humans through the years.
When we give positive energy to each other, we are opening ourselves to receiving more kindness ourselves. All situations can be approached with a kind heart and kind words. When we criticize we are giving out lower energies and revealing our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. I love how the late Dr. Wayne Dyer explained that when you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out. He used the analogy to ask the question, “If you were squeezed, what would come out of you?”
I encourage you to practice more of pointing out the good in others and see how they respond to you. And watch how the universe responds to your vibrations. Notice how you feel when you support and motivate another. We often listen to respond when the person talking just really wants to be heard. Often people aren’t asking for advice, but an ear to allow them to work through or express their emotions.
Energize yourself by pointing out the good qualities in yourself and others. Imagine how our world would be if we all gave a little more kindness with each other. You can learn to treat yourself and others the way you want to be treated. Be the first to lay down your sword. See how it can improve your relationships and interactions. We have the power to encourage each other and bring better energy to our world.