As I reflect on my desire for peace on our planet, I keep coming back to thoughts of our potential power when we unite together. Together in our sovereign rights. Regardless of what race, color, religion, or lifestyles we engage in, we are in so many ways more alike than not. We are living on this earth currently and sharing this planet with billions of people.
Together we are inhabiting our mighty earth in our galaxy. When we take our focus away from our squabbles, arguments, and fears, we can see a much bigger picture. I believe in our potential and I believe we have the possibility for peace. However, peace on earth can feel a bit big for our logical minds to understand. How can we achieve this state when we see war, strife, cruelty, and horror in the media? I think this question is currently crossing many of our minds collectively.
First, we have so many ways to focus our attention and energy. We are powerful in numbers. The more of us that can practice peace within ourselves and in our everyday lives, the more we can impact our globe in a major way, but we have to be committed to this peace. We can fall short quickly when we allow ourselves to be easily triggered in anger. This can be a challenge when you turn on the TV, radio, and Internet. We are constantly getting reminded of the worst of circumstances, which in turn challenges our place of balance and clarity.
If our news media doesn’t want to take responsibility for the energy it airs and spreads, we have to take care of what we allow in and how often. We have the power in our focus, energy, and attention. We have the opportunity to fuel as much good as possible. I believe 20 peaceful people are more powerful than one bully in the room. Remember the loudest person doesn’t have to always get his or her way. We may have bullies. We may be experiencing some negative influences. This doesn’t take away our power.
Together, united despite our differences, we can harness the biggest power known to man. When we feel triggered by our emotions, we can take a step back to see where this is coming from. Is your reaction based on personal experiences? Could it be a belief taught to you? Could it be a form of fear? I think once you can give yourself the attention to identify what is upsetting to you, you are better able to work on these triggers. As we each work on finding peace and forgiveness within ourselves, we share that energy in the world.
Inner peace may require a little work, but it’s worth asking what kind of world you wish to live in. What kind of world are we creating for our loved ones and children? How can we ask our offspring to act peacefully when we aren’t demonstrating it ourselves? I don’t expect us all to live perfectly, but we can all be working on our inner peace. We are all exuding some type of energy. We can choose whether we want to work on anger or peace.
Treating ourselves with love and respect empowers us to give that to others. Treating each other as individuals with the same respect we wish for ourselves is one of the most empowering things we can do for each other and the planet we inhabit. Rather than treating people by the labels they represent, we can remember our humanity and respect our differences. We will all have differences at some point.
How do we accomplish this? We do it each and every day by how we treat ourselves and each individual we come into contact with. Whether it be in person, on social media, or through our thoughts, we can radiate better thoughts and emotions towards one another, even when we don’t understand them. It’s hard to understand everyone else when we have only walked in our own shoes. Honoring each other’s paths and feelings can allow some light and peace to enter our interactions.
We can meditate, focus, or sit in prayer for peace and positive thoughts. It is a power we can bring into our everyday lives. Not only are we affecting ourselves, but we affect others in the world. There was a study a few years back showing that when a large group of individuals sat in meditation for peace in planned locations, they were able to measure the crime going down 71% in those areas. Imagine how much more we can do together.
I hear so many friends, family, and clients express their desires to see more peace and less crime in the world. We can be active participants. Let’s unite together and demonstrate the peace we wish to see in the world!