Many people wait for the conditions to change so they can be happy. They are waiting for the goal to come to pass in order to be happy. Do you catch yourself waiting for a situation to change before you will allow yourself to be happy? Perhaps when you lose that weight, get that dream job, find a partner, or earn enough money.
Here’s a little secret that you can really benefit from. If you can find any way to focus on positive and pleasant things that make you feel good, you can not only choose to be happy now, but you attract more things that will be pleasing and happy to you. It works backwards from how you may think.
No matter how your current circumstances are like, you have the power and ability to be happy now. The more time you can spend looking at the positives in your life, you attract the happier circumstances to you. When you practice feeling happy and joyful daily, you tune yourself to a vibration to allow the improved circumstances.
When you would like things to improve, it starts with your mood. We all need to process our feelings, but we often get stuck mulling over situations that happened in the past, words that were said, and replay the unpleasant images repeatedly in our minds. The longer we remain in this state, we disallow our well-being, and feeling better. We give more energy to the past that we can not change, affecting our future.
The more you can become aware of how much time you spend on worrying, regretting, or negative thoughts towards yourself and others, the more power you have to turn your mood around
The creative process of the pivoting the emotions from low negative ones to a step up to more positive and higher ones, you began to allow improved circumstances in your life. This is a powerful tool we can use to leverage for better circumstances.
Now that we have discussed the importance of feeling happy first. Think of ways you can improve your thoughts and feelings daily. Everyone will have a different recipe and interests that work for them. So this is a self journey of ways to improve your moods. I think that when you are overwhelmed and dealing with many negative thoughts it is easier to start with simply steps. One thought, one feeling, one enjoyed activity at at time. The more you practice the easier it gets and the better you get at turning your moods around.
With any new thing you learn, it’s often repetition that helps you get better. The same goes for positive thinking and feeling happy. It is a choice and with practice it improves over time. To get from point A to point B, we have to start moving on the trail. I encourage you to move on your trail of happiness to receive more.
Practice ways to BE HAPPY NOW! Give it some time, practice, and focus, and see if your life improves. Have fun with yourself and others. Be light hearted and gentle along the way. When you stumble and catch yourself down, think of it as a perfect time for practice. Instead of seeing it as a bad thing, think of it as a gift to you. When you can change your perception. you give yourself more power with your emotions and create space for better circumstance
Remind yourself daily, BE HAPPY NOW, BE HAPPY NOW!