Category Archives: positive thoughts

replenish your spirit

How Often Do You Replenish Yourself?

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How often are you replenishing yourself? Think about an oil lamp burning without much oil. Eventually you either have to add more oil in to keep it working, or it will burn out. The same principle applies to your car. Some people change their oil in their vehicles every 3000 miles or 3 months as recommended. Some change their oil or add new oil when they notice the vehicle acting up. The way that you maintain your vehicle and oil is very similar to how we take care of ourselves.

It would be wise and beneficial if you replenish yourself regularly as well. When you don’t take the time for maintenance and care, your body will break down, become ill, and perhaps stop working. Your health is just as important as (if not more than) your belongings. If you regularly clean your home, vehicles, and belongings without doing the same for yourself, you become very imbalanced and health issues generally pop up. We can prevent so many illnesses and injuries by taking care of ourselves and changing our own oil.

I’ve seen so many people, including myself at times, put everything in their lives in front of their own health and needs. This leads to burnouts and stress-related diseases. Not only have I experienced this lesson in my own life, but have also seen it too often from clients and friends through the years. It doesn’t have to be so imbalanced. You can be good to others all the while creating time for yourself. And you can start simple. The less time you have for yourself is a big call to change some things.

There are no rules in what replenishes you, but the important key is to do something (or a few things) regularly that uplift you and help you feel better and more rested. When you can balance the work and the responsibilities in your life, you can function better, get sick less often, and empower those around you that may need to the same for themselves as well. By giving ourselves permission to do more for ourselves and balance our lives better, we help those around us as well.

Look around to see where you can start adding a little extra time in for you. It can be a hot bath before bed, or a walk in the neighborhood or nearby trail. You can also choose to treat yourself by getting a regular massage, adjustment, or maybe even a pedicure. If you’re working with a tight budget, be creative. Write, color, nap, draw, or maybe take the dogs for a walk. If you find that you have a hard time finding the time, you can start small with just 10 minutes a day, or set a day aside for yourself on a weekend. You may have to say no to a few things to accomplish this or let go of something to make room for you.

The more you can do some little things regularly, the easier it can become a habit. Habits are formed by repeatedly doing them with practice. And you can take better care of yourself with time and practice. It really is worth it when it comes to your life. Our material belongings can be replaced, perhaps upgraded, but we don’t have as many options when it comes to our life. When you’re not feeling well, it is harder to work and take care of all the lists and responsibilities in your life. So when you are taking the time to replenish yourself, you are actually helping to take care of those around you better. You are a better employee or business person as well.

Taking care of yourself is an investment for everyone. It is not selfish; it’s helpful. Just like changing the oil in the lamp or the car, you are improving how you run as well. Replenish yourself and make it a habit. When you wait until you’re down, sick, or burnt out, you have to travel much farther up the road to well-being. If you replenish as you go, you can experience less illness, stress, and conditions leading to negative results. Ultimately, taking the time to replenish yourself is healthy living–and healthy living can lead to longer, happier living.

be happy now

Be Happy Now

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Many people wait for the conditions to change so they can be happy. They are waiting for the goal to come to pass in order to be happy. Do you catch yourself waiting for a situation to change before you will allow yourself to be happy? Perhaps when you lose that weight, get that dream job, find a partner, or earn enough money.

Here’s a little secret that you can really benefit from. If you can find any way to focus on positive and pleasant things that make you feel good, you can not only choose to be happy now, but you attract more things that will be pleasing and happy to you. It works backwards from how you may think.

No matter how your current circumstances are like, you have the power and ability to be happy now. The more time you can spend looking at the positives in your life, you attract the happier circumstances to you. When you practice feeling happy and joyful daily, you tune yourself to a vibration to allow the improved circumstances.

When you would like things to improve, it starts with your mood. We all need to process our feelings, but we often get stuck mulling over situations that happened in the past, words that were said, and replay the unpleasant images repeatedly in our minds. The longer we remain in this state, we disallow our well-being, and feeling better. We give more energy to the past that we can not change, affecting our future.
The more you can become aware of how much time you spend on worrying, regretting, or negative thoughts towards yourself and others, the more power you have to turn your mood around

The creative process of the pivoting the emotions from low negative ones to a step up to more positive and higher ones, you began to allow improved circumstances in your life. This is a powerful tool we can use to leverage for better circumstances.

Now that we have discussed the importance of feeling happy first. Think of ways you can improve your thoughts and feelings daily. Everyone will have a different recipe and interests that work for them. So this is a self journey of ways to improve your moods. I think that when you are overwhelmed and dealing with many negative thoughts it is easier to start with simply steps. One thought, one feeling, one enjoyed activity at at time. The more you practice the easier it gets and the better you get at turning your moods around.

With any new thing you learn, it’s often repetition that helps you get better. The same goes for positive thinking and feeling happy. It is a choice and with practice it improves over time. To get from point A to point B, we have to start moving on the trail. I encourage you to move on your trail of happiness to receive more.

Practice ways to BE HAPPY NOW! Give it some time, practice, and focus, and see if your life improves. Have fun with yourself and others. Be light hearted and gentle along the way. When you stumble and catch yourself down, think of it as a perfect time for practice. Instead of seeing it as a bad thing, think of it as a gift to you. When you can change your perception. you give yourself more power with your emotions and create space for better circumstance

Remind yourself daily, BE HAPPY NOW, BE HAPPY NOW!

busy and stress are choices

Stress is a Choice

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Stress is a choice, busy is a choice, and joy is a choice. Often we blame the circumstances and the situations in life for our choices, but it is in fact the other way around. We do design our lives . And much of our busyness and chaotic lifestyles are activities we sign up for and do not set any boundaries. We can put more on our plate then we can eat and sometimes even chew. In a similar way, , we don’t always pay attention to how much we put on ourselves, and we wind up struggling to chew.

It’s kind of a one-two punch. We can either take some things off our schedules and say “no” more often for our balance in life, or we can choose a better way to navigate our responses. We can choose joy over stress even in the midst of stressful situations. How we respond in our lives affects our health and well-being. When we constantly live and move in a state of rush and stress, we deteriorate our mental, physical, and spiritual health bit by bit. Over time it adds up and then we struggle to put our finger on why we feel run down, bitter, and fatigued. This often leads to illness as well.

When our lives feel so busy we can hardly keep up or possibly a bit out of our control, it is a good time to step back and realize we have much more control than we make the time for. Once you realize that your life is responding to you, you can get back in the driver’s seat and participate in what works better for you.

I’ve found that balance never automatically happens in my life. I have to make the effort to even it out. I feel I have a full blessed life and that comes with much busyness if I allow it. Some weeks are always much busier than others, but when I start to see it continue or show a pattern, I have to pull back on my reins and regroup. Sometimes it is as simple as taking a couple of extra days off to do nothing but things I enjoy. No one has to know except my family and me . The way I keep the boundaries is if a client or someone asks to schedule time with me on one of those days, I apologize that day is already booked and I will have to look at another day. Honoring your own boundaries empowers you to take care of a more balanced, healthy life.

Other times, I may have to step away from an activity or an organization to balance more. And yes, there are times I’ve said no to things I like to be part of. I just have to frequently remind myself that I can not do it all, and I can only pick a few things at at time. I may have to take turns with what I am involved in to experience the variety. These are just some of things I’ve found to work over the years and these experiences have come with many tweaks and learning lessons.

Be flexible in your own schedules to include taking care of you. The more balanced you are, the better self you have to offer to others. Not only are you doing your loved ones a favor by taking care of yourself, you set an example for your families and people around you that need to learn the same.

Remember the next time you are talking or thinking that your life is busy or stressful, it is a choice. And you can empower yourself by choosing more joy. More balance and rest disable some of that stress.

comparison is the theif of joy

Comparing Yourself to Others

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When you compare yourself to others, you not only rob yourself of your own creative power, you steer away from your own personal strengths. We all bring a different variety and perspective to the table of life. Comparing yourself to another can easily add self doubt, unworthiness, and sometimes suffering. It does not serve us well to expect to have the same results as another. We all have different skills sets and instincts.

We disempower what we can do by comparing our life, image, or our journey to another. Their journeys have their own twists, turns, and lessons to help them. You are stronger and happier when you can focus on your own path and allowing them to do their own thing. Think about your children, pets, or maybe your own friends; how different they are to each other and how you love them without comparison. Doing yourself the same favor can avoid much unhappiness.

Comparing is a succubus of joy as is shame or other negative thoughts. It doesn’t place very high on the joyful emotional scale. Just because thoughts pop in your head, doesn’t mean you have to accept them as all truth for yourself. Some of our thoughts come from “well-intentioned” friends or family. We can pivot our thoughts into a more positive direction.

Letting go of comparing can not only lead us to feeling better, but it frees up time for us to live and be our better selves. We can let go of wasted energy and have a better use of our time, thoughts, and energy. If our thoughts, feelings, and energy steer our life, comparing it to others would not be a helpful attractor. No one can walk, talk, feel, or be the same as you. Let them walk, talk, feel, and be the best they can be while allowing yourself the same. It will help decrease negative feelings or resentment that can creep up in comparing.

Compare less. Empower more. What we do for ourselves gives us the strength and knowledge to do it for others. The more kind and giving we can be with ourselves in turn helps us extend that out to those around us. And you send a powerful energy out into the universe that contributes to the world. I have found peace, kindness, and love to be some of the strongest forces in our universe.

Let’s leave comparing to prices and products, and allow our fellow humans to be individuals with individual results. Just as we are all wonderfully and differently made.

believe in your dreams

Trust Your Dreams

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You can trust your dreams. We are born with instincts that serve us for our entire lifetime. Sometimes our life experiences and people we grow up around teach us out of listening to ourselves. We pass along patterns of things we may think are better advice. Often it can be very beneficial to learn tips from people that may have traveled a road ahead of you. I think we can forget the importance of listening to our instincts as well. We can not have the same experience as other people so you have to wade carefully when listening to advice.

It can save us some time and trouble when people share, but be aware of your own navigation. When we receive inspiration, an impulse or a gut feeling, that is our invitation to possibilities. Other people can not receive your opportunities for you and often will not understand following your path.

When you share a dream or idea with someone, you may receive their fears as advice. For example have you ever shared something daring you wanted to do with someone and their response was “Well, you can’t do that” or “I don’t know how that could work out”? At times we immediately shut down and agree, or we could realize that their response is only a reflection of their fear. Just because they do not know how to do your idea or work it out has absolutely nothing to do with you. They are simply sharing their doubts.

When we can trust our hunch and walk out on faith, doors open and the right people show up to support you on your hunch. It can take a little courage on our part to stand with our instincts. They do not have to make sense to anyone to keep moving forward. We often look for approval to move forward without realizing they come from a different perspective and getting their own ideas and hunches.

We also do not see the entire road as we set out on your journeys in life, but neither do you when you get in your car and drive a long distance. I do bet you believe you will get there or you wouldn’t be on the road. So in life it is a similar analogy. We can let the unknown stop us from starting our dreams and passions, or like driving to a destination, you can trust you will eventually arrive. If you wait for all the pieces to fall perfectly in place, you often stay stagnant and this can lead to unhappiness. Waiting for the right time can rob you of joyful experiences and the chance at your dreams.

It is another reason why it is called a leap of faith. You move forward trusting that not only it will work out, but the path lights up along the way. We all still stumble and make mistakes on our journeys to our dreams–just as in life it can be full of ups and downs. Many successful people in their careers and dreams speak of falling many times. The difference is they got back up. They trusted their hunches and followed through. No matter how long a dream can take to come to fruition, the time will pass anyway. What better way to spend some of your time and days than pursuing what you enjoy? You will be happier as you reach your goals and dreams.

I encourage you to listen to those inner voices and callings and follow them. If you’re too vulnerable to share them, nurture them with yourself first. And if you choose to share them, don’t take others’ reactions too personally. You have the gift of your own instincts for a reason. They are for you. Allow those who will support you and help you show up, and be patient and kind with those that may not understand. Just don’t let other people stop you with their doubts and fears. Perhaps you will even inspire them to listen and discover their own dreams. While you follow your own inspiration, you show an example of how they can dare to follow their paths as well.

Trust your dreams, no matter how far-fetched they seem from logic. As Martin Luther King once said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase; Just take the first step.” Paths are one foot in front of the other. And keep moving forward. Many things will happen along the way, but you can Trust Your Dreams.

feeling good

Feeling Good

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When your feeling good, happy, grateful, and joyful, that frequency goes out into the universe creatining an electromagnetic field comparable to that of gravity.

Bioelectromagnetics is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities.

Just like the nerves in our nervous system are electrical energy signals; they create energy fields around the body, and electromagnetic energy waves that can travel away from the body.

Human electricity energy is generated by chemical processes in the nerve cells. Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout the human brain and nervous system.

Just as electricity passes through a metal wire, it causes an energy field or magnetic field similar to how the human brain and nervous system creates human magnetic fields.

The human heart and nervous system creates electric energy waves that can be detected by modern science instruments. Energy waves can also travel long distances, just like heat, radiation, and radio waves.

Emotions have unique vibrations just like colors and physical objects. When you are happy, joyful and having fun, your body’s vibrations are lighter, higher, and faster. When you feel negative, low, and down, your emotions are giving you a slower lower vibration.

Feeling good produces a signal out into the universe and that starts to attract more of itself to you. The more you can practice ways of being happy and joyful daily, the more you continue to not only bring the things that help you feel good, but also increase your vibration higher. The higher vibration attracts like vibrations. Basically more happy attracts more happy things.

Joy attracts joy. So pay attention to how you feel daily and focus on ways to feel more joyful.
The old saying of misery loves company is on point. But the good news is, joy loves joyful company. You can use your powerful energy to set your signal(vibration) towards what you would like to attract in your life.

Every day it is important to feel good. Feeling good is also your gift to the world. Watch how you interact with others when you feel good. Notice if you are more kind or patient. Notice what it brings back to you. Raise those vibrations and signals to meet the life you imagine.

your words have great power

Choose Your Affirmations Wisely

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Every statement you make with I am is an affirmation of attraction in your life. Choosing the way we use our declarations is very important. Especially if you want to feel happy. For example through the years I have heard many friends say “I am fat.” This is actually not only a false statement, but a disempowering phrase that you do not want to be using unless you enjoy feeling “fat.” You have fat, but you are not fat. Just like you have fingers you don’t tell people that “I am fingers.” Now do you?

Every time you use the description I am to anything, you are in that moment attracting more of the feelings and circumstances of that evidence into your future. You are constantly a creative being. Everything you say declares what you are attracting more of. So learning to pay attention to what you say and how you say things about yourself is an affirmation into your future.

It can feel a little tricky with your words when you aren’t use to paying attention and being careful with them. Also some people have a hard time affirming “what they would like to see” in the now. That is ok. As you practice you can begin with at least better statements and more empowering ones to yourself. You can choose to say “I am improving every day.” You could say “Each day I’m becoming more fit.” Or you could also say “With each moment, I am feeling better.” You have so many options to use more positive statements rather than self- sabatoging ones.

Basically think of the things that you dislike about yourself and stop declaring them to other people and the universe. By focusing on our flaws, we do not help improve them, we help attract more of what we do not like. You can improve on how you feel about those things now. In some circumstances you have the option to change them, but to move in that direction, we have to first create positive space for the chance to improve.

We each have an abundant amount of wonderful qualities to show and share with the world. It doesn’t serve us in our futures to shine a spotlight on our “imperfections.” The more we focus and shine a spotlight on our strengths, the more we tip the scale in our own favor. Most often the people we interact with aren’t focused on our “insecurities” unless we give them a reason to. I know that when I am in a conversation with someone, I am listening to what they have to offer and share. People tend to be more concerned with how you treat them and make them feel rather than your appearance, while you may tend to feel like they are noticing what you would like to improve.

So you can start taking the worries and anxiety away about yourself and use your affirmations more wisely. You are loved, you are valued, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are capable, you are able, and you are most certainly creative. Use these declarations more often than disempowering ones. With practice you can cut down on the disempowering declarations and improve your I am descriptions. Over time you improved statements will reflect in your life and feelings. The better you feel, the better your vibrations are at attracting positive frequencies.

your thoughts create

Empower Your Words and Empower Your Life

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Imagine if you could focus on the words you use a little better. If you are used to using disempowering words on a daily basis, you have the opportunity to practice those habits into more positive ones. When you frequently use words like “can’t,” “have to,” or maybe “I’m broke,” you are actually attracting more of those type of experiences to you.

If you could replace a few words or sayings a day, you can empower you feelings, and experiences that you attract. For example if you catch yourself saying “I have to go to work,” you could replace it with “I get to go to work today.” Just by exchanging the words you use, you empower more positive energy. Even if for now, you do not like your work and feel like it is a chore to go, you can empower yourself in the now to create better and more positive energy. That energy attracts a better scenario.

You may then start to see situations at your work improve. You may actually change the energy for better opportunities to come your way, or simply create a better feeling for the current situation you are in. By changing your words and focusing a little clearer, you empower your possibilities. It is how you change your experiences for the better.

Even if your career, job, or life isn’t as pleasant as you would like it to be, giving it negative energy creates more unpleasantness. You can give yourself more hope and opportunity when you can appreciate where you are at now with your words. That in turn helps you create more positive feelings. You can feel positive now regardless of your circumstances. When you utilize the habit of what you frequently say, you summon more positivity in your life.

The word “can’t” is another debilitating one. We often do not know how to do something initially, but by just replacing the word can’t, to I can learn, changes the entire energy of possibility. The word “can’t” really is a choice. You can also change the wording to prefer something better, or I “would like to…”

You can empower yourself by seeing your situation (what you want to improve) as temporary and as a helping stepping stone to get to a better place. I’ve discussed in previous blogs how gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. Changing your words about experiences that you aren’t always grateful for, has more empowering energy of better solutions.

At first you may catch yourself repeatedly in the habit of using empowering statements, but each time you choose to replace them, you will get better over time and change the habit to a more positive one. As you improve, so will the energy. I’ve noticed it gets easier to change habits once I see evidence of things working.

Try it for a while and see how it works for you. It’s just a daily awareness and changing a few words a day to work in your own benefit. Empower your words and empower your life!


Gauge Your Thoughts

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Experiences in life give us the opportunity to engage, learn, and re engage . Sometimes when we feel down and struggle with negative thoughts, we get stuck in the learning stage and beat ourselves up through replaying the memories and what could have been done differently scenarios. Though life presents to us positive and negative experiences, isn’t it interesting to notice how differently we all handle the experiences? This means we all have a choice in how we handle them. You can choose a better way to navigate.

When you get caught up for long periods of time processing unpleasant experiences rather than letting them guide you towards better experiences, you end up attracting more negative experiences. Life is a feedback mechanism. As we are having life experiences, we are constantly creating our future as well. How and where you dwell your thoughts, and focus on them direct your experiences in the future.

The cool thing is you do not have to let your past create more of your unpleasant experiences. You can use the information as a teacher that you choose over victimization. When I use the term victimization I’m referring to the definition of to dupe or swindle. When we dupe our current reality by wallowing in the past, we attract more of the same victim mentality.

I believe it is ok to feel the moment you are down, or feeling negative thoughts. It is an opportunity as life is to notice what you may have to learn or receive from it and gage your thoughts towards feeling better. You can do it though distractions outside of the situation. Sometimes when you are struggling with many negative thoughts, it can be a difficult task to turn them off and around quick. By focusing on a different activity and really giving it your attention, you give your thoughts space and a break for your brain to process them differently and better.

The fun part is to find your own things that distract your mind, just like your body needs rest and a nap at times to renew and keep you living. Your brain can use a break from thinking so much, especially if they are thoughts that do not feel good. Positive thoughts rewire your brain through neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

For me, I have a variety of daily tools for distractions I’ve accumulated as good feedback through the years. I love to learn and practice pottery, art, cooking, writing, coloring, hiking, yoga, meditation, funny movies, being outside in nature, playing board games, getting a massage, getting pampered, doing a random act of kindness, gift giving on random days, laughing, listening to favorite music, playing with animals, having wine with a friend, eating chocolate, planting a flower, and reading.

Now by all means, my list isn’t a to do list for you. I’m just giving you some examples to get you thinking about things you enjoy and can distract you. We are all born with our own instincts, intuition, and likes. Play more with yours. Try things you’ve been drawn to. Perhaps it’s things you enjoyed when you were young. The joy you create inside yourself is a gift and energy you also give to others. The best thing you can do for other people is to be your best self. When you nourish your soul, you have a grounding to help you navigate easier in life and can be of better service to others.

Here is your invitation to play, focus, and be positive. Experience life in its fullest. Engage, learn, and re gage your thoughts and focus towards a joyful life. What if I told you that when you engage in your enjoyable hobbies, your brain organizes itself toward those neural pathways? Fun = brain health. Get busy doing what you love.