How often are you replenishing yourself? Think about an oil lamp burning without much oil. Eventually you either have to add more oil in to keep it working, or it will burn out. The same principle applies to your car. Some people change their oil in their vehicles every 3000 miles or 3 months as recommended. Some change their oil or add new oil when they notice the vehicle acting up. The way that you maintain your vehicle and oil is very similar to how we take care of ourselves.
It would be wise and beneficial if you replenish yourself regularly as well. When you don’t take the time for maintenance and care, your body will break down, become ill, and perhaps stop working. Your health is just as important as (if not more than) your belongings. If you regularly clean your home, vehicles, and belongings without doing the same for yourself, you become very imbalanced and health issues generally pop up. We can prevent so many illnesses and injuries by taking care of ourselves and changing our own oil.
I’ve seen so many people, including myself at times, put everything in their lives in front of their own health and needs. This leads to burnouts and stress-related diseases. Not only have I experienced this lesson in my own life, but have also seen it too often from clients and friends through the years. It doesn’t have to be so imbalanced. You can be good to others all the while creating time for yourself. And you can start simple. The less time you have for yourself is a big call to change some things.
There are no rules in what replenishes you, but the important key is to do something (or a few things) regularly that uplift you and help you feel better and more rested. When you can balance the work and the responsibilities in your life, you can function better, get sick less often, and empower those around you that may need to the same for themselves as well. By giving ourselves permission to do more for ourselves and balance our lives better, we help those around us as well.
Look around to see where you can start adding a little extra time in for you. It can be a hot bath before bed, or a walk in the neighborhood or nearby trail. You can also choose to treat yourself by getting a regular massage, adjustment, or maybe even a pedicure. If you’re working with a tight budget, be creative. Write, color, nap, draw, or maybe take the dogs for a walk. If you find that you have a hard time finding the time, you can start small with just 10 minutes a day, or set a day aside for yourself on a weekend. You may have to say no to a few things to accomplish this or let go of something to make room for you.
The more you can do some little things regularly, the easier it can become a habit. Habits are formed by repeatedly doing them with practice. And you can take better care of yourself with time and practice. It really is worth it when it comes to your life. Our material belongings can be replaced, perhaps upgraded, but we don’t have as many options when it comes to our life. When you’re not feeling well, it is harder to work and take care of all the lists and responsibilities in your life. So when you are taking the time to replenish yourself, you are actually helping to take care of those around you better. You are a better employee or business person as well.
Taking care of yourself is an investment for everyone. It is not selfish; it’s helpful. Just like changing the oil in the lamp or the car, you are improving how you run as well. Replenish yourself and make it a habit. When you wait until you’re down, sick, or burnt out, you have to travel much farther up the road to well-being. If you replenish as you go, you can experience less illness, stress, and conditions leading to negative results. Ultimately, taking the time to replenish yourself is healthy living–and healthy living can lead to longer, happier living.