When you compare yourself to others, you not only rob yourself of your own creative power, you steer away from your own personal strengths. We all bring a different variety and perspective to the table of life. Comparing yourself to another can easily add self doubt, unworthiness, and sometimes suffering. It does not serve us well to expect to have the same results as another. We all have different skills sets and instincts.
We disempower what we can do by comparing our life, image, or our journey to another. Their journeys have their own twists, turns, and lessons to help them. You are stronger and happier when you can focus on your own path and allowing them to do their own thing. Think about your children, pets, or maybe your own friends; how different they are to each other and how you love them without comparison. Doing yourself the same favor can avoid much unhappiness.
Comparing is a succubus of joy as is shame or other negative thoughts. It doesn’t place very high on the joyful emotional scale. Just because thoughts pop in your head, doesn’t mean you have to accept them as all truth for yourself. Some of our thoughts come from “well-intentioned” friends or family. We can pivot our thoughts into a more positive direction.
Letting go of comparing can not only lead us to feeling better, but it frees up time for us to live and be our better selves. We can let go of wasted energy and have a better use of our time, thoughts, and energy. If our thoughts, feelings, and energy steer our life, comparing it to others would not be a helpful attractor. No one can walk, talk, feel, or be the same as you. Let them walk, talk, feel, and be the best they can be while allowing yourself the same. It will help decrease negative feelings or resentment that can creep up in comparing.
Compare less. Empower more. What we do for ourselves gives us the strength and knowledge to do it for others. The more kind and giving we can be with ourselves in turn helps us extend that out to those around us. And you send a powerful energy out into the universe that contributes to the world. I have found peace, kindness, and love to be some of the strongest forces in our universe.
Let’s leave comparing to prices and products, and allow our fellow humans to be individuals with individual results. Just as we are all wonderfully and differently made.