To me, Creativity is a dance with our infinite soul in our expansive universe. For some it’s a tranquil space of surrender. It is definitely a way into joy. An expressive avenue for the soul. A brush with high flowing energy.
Creativity is not just new ideas or where solutions may stem from. It is a variety of energy that can be channeled in infinite ways. It can be an escape from the busyness, chattering, and problems of the world. Creativity comes from a perspective of openness and curiosity. It’s like tapping into the unknown. An outlet to release our energy and many times calm our negative emotions.
Creativity fires many wires in our brains. A connection from the heart and soul. The more creative I feel, the more life-giving energy I feel. It can feel like freedom and empowerment. A balance between the mind and soul. A channel for your soul to express itself. Creativity opens the floodgates of our imagination and the possibility of innovation. It allows the dreamer into a tangible reality.
It’s an invitation. Receiving some answer to our soul’s calling. We can’t always describe it, but we feel it when we are in that flow. The state of enjoyment. In this space, we lose time and worry. Our focus is matched with higher vibrations. When we can allow some creative space, we open ourselves up to the masterpieces within.
The more we say yes to creativity and the time to explore, we start living more joy-filled creative lives. I’ve found not only is the act of being creative itself helpful to my soul, but it also helps improve my performance in many daily tasks. I find that as I give time to my creative avenues, it gives me fuel for my work and responsibilities. The better you feel, the easier it is to do more of what you love and even the things in life that may not be as fun.
Sometimes we can get stuck in our left brain thinking we aren’t creative, but if we can allow some space and possibility along with some practice, we can tap into unlimited potential. We just have to give ourselves permission to move into the unknown energy. You do not have to be very talented or a master at something to be creative. It is simply saying yes to a bit of play and light-heartedness.
Creative endeavors allow the child within to explore. To let that feeling of youth and fun flow through. A smile from within your soul. Many people get these elated feelings from deep and regular meditation practices, but playing with our creativity can also be meditative. We have many ways to infuse more peace and tranquility into our lives, and being creative certainly adds a life onto its own.
Allowing some time each day or week can improve our moods more regularly. When we can balance life with some uplifting enjoyment, we add lighter and higher energy producing better vibrations. Think about how good it feels when you feel good.
I encourage you to say yes to creative energy. Whether it be through your work, play, or hobbies, you can experience deeper dimensions within yourself. You are a masterpiece always waiting to shine. Allow this inner love to move through. Express your lovely self more. Allow some magic in your life. The magic of you.