I’ve learned over time, there are always some critics that will show up to critique you. This can stumble your momentum or stop you altogether. I think it is important to keep in mind that your movements and work in life will often open doors to misunderstanding. It takes courage to move forward. When we are criticized we may take it too personally. It can be beneficial to understand that someone else’s criticism generally reflects what they think inside, so why wage a war in your own mind when they show up?
If you frequently use your precious energy to beat up on yourself and internalize critiques, you can hold yourself back rather than launch yourself forwards. Most of us are looking for that momentum and we don’t realize how much we can slow our progress down by mulling over the critiques or embodying them in our minds. Repeating our critiques creates a negative effect.
When we can encourage ourselves from the inside, we gain confidence and positive momentum that can carry us further than you can imagine. It helps to be your own cheerleader. There will be times we need to be there for ourselves and if you have a positive foundation built within yourself, it can certainly help you through the tougher times.
It takes practice and repeating to really get in that space more often. Encouraging ourselves is how we have the opportunity to gain experience in anything we set out to do. In short: Practice! I see my writing, my art, my work, and my kindness as a practice. It’s not something I have automatically obtained or arrived at. Just like happiness our work, crafts, and art are a practice, not a final destination. We keep choosing it.
Choosing to encourage ourselves rather than criticize ourselves changes the energy we vibrate and operate from. Think about how it feels when you or someone else is constantly criticizing you. Now, think about how it feels when you or someone you know constantly encourages you.
Encouraging and cheering yourself on as you go helps you maneuver through the critiques. Also, it is important to recognize when the art of criticism is good and useful as well as when criticism needs to be ignored. You do not have to accept every criticism as truth. Much criticizing is done from the place of doubt and uncertainty from others. It is a reflection of some doubts on the inside of them. Especially when it is mean and hurtful.
It’s about what you tune into. There is a difference in constructive criticism that may help you reach higher levels. Knowing the difference can help your perspectives.
For example, my beautiful writing coach has the tough job to point out mistakes and offer constructive criticism. This is our agreement with each other. This is how I learn deeper in my writing practice for publishing and so on. I have practiced the art of encouraging myself for some time now. I think if I hadn’t, it would be very difficult to receive my mistakes and feedback. Not that she doesn’t continuously give me encouraging feedback, but we often hear our critiques amplified.
The positive criticism comes from a place of help and love. We can take it the unintended way if we haven’t practiced speaking kindly to ourselves. It takes a bit of learning to stop beating up on yourself so easily and practice encouraging thoughts instead.
It’s baby steps in turning some of your inner dialog around. Perhaps a plan or idea came to a bust. You could give yourself a hard time on all the things you can find and focus solely on what went wrong, or… You could give yourself some encouragement for trying. See the opportunities and solutions. Open the door and give yourself some room for perspective. It may be the stepping stone you needed to reach the levels you’re striving for.
Things will happen in life. And the critics are plentiful out there. You don’t have to allow it steal your focus or joys. It helps to practice your inner dialogue and thoughts to a higher place regularly. Think of it like passing trees and cars as you travel down the road, you can let happenings, life, and criticism pass on by as well. Allow it to move through you more than becoming it. Just don’t let it sow a seed on the inside. Let the things that help you, help you. Let the things that don’t,go. We have to often let go of criticisms so we can fly.