Empathy. I’ve always felt very empathic my entire life. I feel emotions of others in a strong and strange way. Communicating with other people has been very easy as an adult, but not so much as a child. As a child, the experience was overwhelming. I was shy and wasn’t always sure about expressing myself.
I’ve learned through life experiences, both extremely good and bad, how to open up and share my empathy. Maybe not always in the best of ways, but I feel like it’s a part of me that I experience out in the world. Especially in my careers. I cannot or can’t always explain it. I do explore it in reflection and in writing. It is a bit in how I live with it. I do feel I’m not alone and many of us do not know how to deal with it and express it. To give it a name and simply put our finger on it.
I try to allow some of the energy of my empathy to move through me, and then share it. I try to put into words what I pick up on and what I have a hunch in the things/feelings that many of us experience. I understand we all have a different perspective in what and how we experience in life. It can be challenging trying to describe life with language. I do however feel I have an interesting and unique perspective on how I experience it.
In my spare time, I try and attempt to translate this empathy in my writing. It’s a practice. It evolves and develops. Maybe it’s my strength and maybe it’s my nemesis; I haven’t fully decided. It does allow me a deeper connection with people. Or at least I feel so. I don’t always know what to do with it, how to process it, or how to describe it. I do explore different avenues to express it. For a while now, writing has been a helpful and joyful outlet.
I suspect we all have different gifts to share. Taking the time to be authentic to yourself and explore ways of expressing your inner self is probably worth your while. We don’t always experience the encouragement to shine or explore our passions and gifts. We can get caught up in the expectations, goals, and accomplishments instead of what we truly desire to know and share.
I’m the first to admit it happened to me too . I didn’t start exploring and understanding myself until probably my late 20s and on into my 30s There are no set rules or explanations for how and when you should act, uncover, or simply try to understand yourself. I just like to share some of my experiences and encourage yours. To always remind you that 1) you’re not alone and 2) it’s okay to be unsure and explore.
Perhaps if I live to be an old woman, I will have a different perspective by then as well. I suspect I may even say that the exploration never ended. Especially since we are always moving, evolving, and changing with the experience in our journey in life.
If you are already lucky enough to really know some of your inner truths and gifts/strengths of yourself, how wonderful. Please take the time to hone in, honor and share your gifts. It’s your strength. You can already use that in what you are already doing every day. If you feel like you are in situations or circumstances (like your job, for instance) that you struggle in shining your authentic light, you can explore some other options. You might not currently be in a position to up and leave, but in your spare moments you can utilize some other tools and avenues for your expressions.
I feel blessed that I get to use my empathy in my business with my clients and express it through my writing. I certainly hope I can bring it to the table when I am present with my family and friends. Not perfectly, but as close to my empathic presence as I can be.
I encourage you to explore your gifts and light in whatever ways you can. You may be a great listener, healer, teacher, caregiver, leader, or encourager. The more you infuse life with your energy, I believe the more you receive in return. You are more powerful and successful in the world when you bring your authenticity. Allow it, shine it, and let it pull you where you need to be. Trust it. It is your gift.