When your feeling good, happy, grateful, and joyful, that frequency goes out into the universe creatining an electromagnetic field comparable to that of gravity.
Bioelectromagnetics is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities.
Just like the nerves in our nervous system are electrical energy signals; they create energy fields around the body, and electromagnetic energy waves that can travel away from the body.
Human electricity energy is generated by chemical processes in the nerve cells. Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout the human brain and nervous system.
Just as electricity passes through a metal wire, it causes an energy field or magnetic field similar to how the human brain and nervous system creates human magnetic fields.
The human heart and nervous system creates electric energy waves that can be detected by modern science instruments. Energy waves can also travel long distances, just like heat, radiation, and radio waves.
Emotions have unique vibrations just like colors and physical objects. When you are happy, joyful and having fun, your body’s vibrations are lighter, higher, and faster. When you feel negative, low, and down, your emotions are giving you a slower lower vibration.
Feeling good produces a signal out into the universe and that starts to attract more of itself to you. The more you can practice ways of being happy and joyful daily, the more you continue to not only bring the things that help you feel good, but also increase your vibration higher. The higher vibration attracts like vibrations. Basically more happy attracts more happy things.
Joy attracts joy. So pay attention to how you feel daily and focus on ways to feel more joyful.
The old saying of misery loves company is on point. But the good news is, joy loves joyful company. You can use your powerful energy to set your signal(vibration) towards what you would like to attract in your life.
Every day it is important to feel good. Feeling good is also your gift to the world. Watch how you interact with others when you feel good. Notice if you are more kind or patient. Notice what it brings back to you. Raise those vibrations and signals to meet the life you imagine.