One of your biggest assets is following your instincts. No matter how much knowledge or background you have in what you’re doing, you can always count on your instincts. It is a gift that helps you navigate through life. So often our instincts are right while our minds may not understand it at the time.
So often our intuition has a feel for how things are going, or a feeling about a person you may be interacting with that your mind hasn’t been presented with evidence on. Have you ever given someone the benefit of the doubt even though your instincts gave you a funny feeling? Because your mind had no proof, you may have ignored that feeling… then later figured out your instinct was right. It’s like a little hunch you get and cannot explain. It is your internal guidance system.
Though we have choices in life of what we believe and which direction we take, our instincts give us clues about the world around us. Our brains are actually complicated in how they process and give us information. Our instincts pick up and work on frequencies that our brain may not process and download for us. I like to think of it as helpful nudges that serve you well. Sometimes it’s even not what we want to feel, but I have always found it to be true. We like the idea of believing the best in situations and people, but if your instincts tell you to go a different way, it is a blessing trying to assist you. Even though it may not make sense at the time.
This is where your trust in yourself comes in. We can let our mind talk us out of our instincts, but if we can have faith that it knows best, you may save yourself some heartache and trouble. If you can believe that your instincts are very smart, you can leverage your experience more powerfully. Possibly even more positively along your journeys.
Over the years in talking with clients, I can see many have lost their trust in their intuition. Perhaps because of a hurtful experience. Sometimes we tend to listen to others over ourselves. Many times we can get so caught up in stress and busyness that we drown out those little hunches and feelings.
A good way to tune in before making decisions or facing a situation is to give yourself some time and space to sit with it. When you can allow some silence and slow down your mind, you can receive guidance of what is your next best step from your intuition. It just takes a little patience with yourself. Just as you would take some patience teaching a child to learn, you can assist the growth of tuning into your intuition more. The more you tune in and practice listening to your inner self, the easier it gets to hear when things are hectic and busy. In those moments that a situation or circumstance arises quickly, you can trust those first instincts.
It won’t always give you all the answers in the instant, but you can get the feeling of a direction to follow. Sometimes you have to keep your instincts to yourself until you can understand the big picture better, but it really is your biggest ally. Think of it as your best friend—always cheering you on and attempting to guide you safely.