Have you taken the time to think about how you start your day? Is it paced, and are you able to center yourself before it begins? Or do you wake up and rush as soon as those feet of yours hit the floor. I can relate to many years of rushed mornings. I had a busy life and career and was taught primarily work ethics. I had no idea that my habits could affect my whole day – from the people I interacted with to the circumstances I was attracting. I think we all really do the best we can with what we know. It is what we’ve mimicked from our upbringings, and the roles/responsibilities we’ve taken on. I like to blog about the simple things we can do to shift our moments into more happiness and joy throughout our days. I think simple steps make it easier to apply and feel possible. When we start simple and can really apply these ideas we can, step by step, experience more joy. I enjoy studying neurology, how the brain works, our energetic/electromagnetic fields surrounding us, and how our consciousness works like a magnet. I break down what I understand into simpler strategies for my activities of daily living.
When we think of our consciousness like a living magnet, it helps to simplify the understanding to what we attract, and what we attract is the things going on all around us. You can really dig into the science of this from multiple resources, and the internet is endless with reading recommendations. It is here that I like to shorten that focus to easier understanding. When we arrange our day to give us a little time in the mornings before making our way into our actions of the day, we set the tone for how things will flow. If we jump up rushing, aggravated, or stressed, it sets the tone for the rest of our day, causing more of our day to bring us more stressful situations, people, and circumstances. So to have a smoother day, I believe we should take a few minutes in the morning to hone our actions in order to make the rest of the day more positive and, hopefully, have better results.
It doesn’t even require a lot of time. You will find it is worth the time to think of ways to create this for yourself, too. You can figure out what is realistic for you, but you may have to set your alarm a few minutes earlier to provide the time needed to find this window. Personally, I have sometimes just laid in bed, and before I even opened my eyes, I took the time to think about how I felt, what I was thankful for, and how I wanted to attend to my day (plus, I wanted to fool all our animals that I was not awake yet). I have especially done this when I know my day has a long agenda. I found this one, little, small thing carried me through my day with more patience and joy. On top of that I also found that I was attracting more positive experiences. Seemingly, the more I practiced this a few minutes each morning, the better my days become. This motivated me each day to put more things into practice that worked for me. The more I practiced, the easier these routines became. The point to doing these things was to increase my happiness. I can, without a doubt, say that this has worked for me. Now I try to arrange my morning to have, at least, an hour for my cup of coffee. It helps me focus, reflect, and set my intended schedule for the day. I like to practice meditation, and often I youtube my favorite speakers/teachers to listen to, as well. The motivation for my day has increased drastically. How I interact with my family, friends, clients, and strangers has improved. I must say that I have noticed a difference in the flow of my day. I am attracting better experiences – the best of which are the joyful surprises that seem to manifest themselves from out of nowhere. I have found I like smiling, being positive and it feels good to have more joy each day.
The stress and cynicism were not serving me well. It was a habit that I picked up along my trail thinking I was applying humor, but I was, in fact, attracting more of what I wasn’t enjoying. The best news is that it doesn’t matter what habits we have needlessly adopted in our history. We have the choice and power each day to change those bad habits into good ones. We don’t have to keep doing what we’ve always done. We can apply things that work better.
Anyone can do it.
It may take a little practice to replace some of our default patterns, but just paying attention and making it simple is definitely possible. Make it a goal each day to get up and start with one simple thing that feels good to you. I encourage you to try it. It will be worth your “joy adustment”.
This was just the best advice. A really positive action I can take for myself.
As you might imagine, I really identified with this phrase;”set the tone for how things will flow” … and that is exactly why I’m doggedly committed to my morning time. Thanks for giving me the support to continue this commitment!