I often try to remember a certain quote from Earl Nightingale when my mind is quick to judge another. “When you judge others, you do not define them. You define yourself.” When we are quick to point out what we think is wrong in others, we are really revealing what we are struggling with on the inside. We are mirrors for each other. Owning up to your own feelings takes some courage. If we find someone or a situation that really bothers us, we have an indication of unresolved feelings and something we can work on.
Generally when we make a judgmental opinion we are seeing it only from our perspective. We do not have all the facts. We also do not have the whole story. When we make assumptions we have limited understanding of another person’s actions or perspective. The art to kindness is learning to observe without jumping to conclusions. Realize you may not know the events that led up to the action and that it’s possible the person did the best they could with the knowledge and experience they have had in their life up to that point.
As we realize this, we also can acknowledge that our reactions reveal to others what is inside of us. You do not have a choice in how other people act and the decisions they make, but you do have a choice in how you respond. Let them be responsible for how they reveal themselves and focus on your interactions with others. When we pay attention to how we respond, we have a window into our soul that shows us where we are having difficulty.
For example if you encounter someone having a really bad day, it’s helpful to remember their actions do not have anything to do with you, even if they try to point the finger at you and aim the blame towards you. They are just showing you what is going on inside for them. Even if they try to point the finger on you and aim the blame towards you. When we blame others for our actions we take away our own power and ignore our own intuition. It certainly helps us learn to stay in peace while people we encounter learn to deal with their drama.
You can’t be responsible for other people’s feelings. That is their right and generally we want the same respect. You can however be aware of your actions and reactions. Look and see what kind of energy you are putting out. If you want more peace, kindness, or love, Show it.
Try a little less judgement and a little more understanding. It can sure bring you more peace in your life and less stress. When you focus on the frequency you’re putting out and the reactions from yourself, you don’t have very much time to left to consume the drama from others.
The more you can become aware of how you define and show yourself, the more we can be kind and understanding to one another. When we take the time to understand a little more of another’s perspective we can then help each other and mend our differences. We certainly are all created differently and we can celebrate and respect our differences rather than be so judgmental of them. Nor do we have to agree on everything to allow the freedom of others to choose what may be best for them. Don’t you like to receive the same?