Many times the only thing standing between ourselves and our dreams are the limitations we put upon ourselves. I love Ford Motors Founder Henry Ford’s famous quote “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” I think it is one of the most simplest analogies to explain the concept of how powerful your beliefs are. He seemed to understand the concept of what you think, is what comes true. You have the option to choose the thoughts you think and believe. Those beliefs shape your future.
Since we can manifest our reality from our thoughts and feelings, why not choose to believe in yourself and your dreams? It starts with our thoughts first. I know there are many things that stall us from the direction of our dreams and intentions for our lives. Some are excuses, some are lack of belief, and most are the doubts that we allow in. We always in any given moment have the option to feed our fears or step towards our dreams. If you are waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or perfect circumstances to line up before you move, you will very likely continue waiting.
The most powerful and creative you can be as a human being is when you set your intentions and dreams first. You do not need to know how the whole journey will go, nor will you have a game plan that will unfold as your ego plans. It is helpful to set goals for yourself and research some means to get to there, but we often get ahead of the first step. Which is your mindset. Once you know how you would like your life to feel and the dreams you aim to reach for, you will then have plenty of opportunities to use some structure if you please.
I have found what often stops us from even believing that our dreams are possible, is mentally making a doubt list in our head of all the things that could go wrong, and all the reasons we can’t. Often in society we are taught this is practical and logical thinking, and really it sets us up for failure. When we adopt negative doubts and beliefs, we set our sails for those outcomes.
The coolest thing to me is that you can set your sails, intentions, and beliefs towards anything you’d like. You have a far greater chance of success over planting doubtful seeds. It is important to train your mind towards possibilities more often than worrying about why it may not work. It is not always easy to reprogram our habits to turn on a dime, but we can get better with practice. I think understanding the concept of how your beliefs work with your brain, you have more motivation to be more powerfully creative with your thoughts and beliefs.
I encourage you to start with yourself. Say yes to your passions and dreams. If it feels safer until you get a better handle on your personal beliefs, keep them to yourself. It is one thing to conquer your own doubts, but can be very disempowering to give more momentum by adding the doubts of others. I’ve learned through the years when I’ve shared my goals or dreams, at times I have received doubtful responses from others. And the key to remember is when someone tells you that you can not do something, it is really them saying I don’t know how to do that. You do not have to accept their doubts and fears as your own. If you want to be a painter, know you can be a painter. Take a class, and call yourself a painter. The journey doesn’t matter as much as setting the intention. The road will unfold before you as you move in the direction of your intention. And if your mind starts doubting your passions, stop and be gentle with yourself and ask if it’s really true. Beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking. So you can make a habit of thinking with less doubt and more optimism. You have the choice to change your thoughts anytime.
Use your thoughts to your advantage. Remove your limits and live the life only you can imagine.