There are silver linings in everything when you look for them. I’m proposing to you to train your brain towards a more joyful day by focusing on noticing the positive aspects that speak to you. It’s looking towards the bright side of life. Your focus is your power. The direction of your thoughts is your creative power. How you use it is up to you. By being more mindful in how you look at things you are given an opportunity on steering your focus.
Do you base your emotions on circumstances? For example are you only happy when things are going your way? Or do you choose to be happy regardless of what the day unfolds?
Letting circumstances control the way you feel shifts your creative power away from you. It puts your vibration into a more powerless feeling. The good news is you have the choice to shift your feelings into a more powerful one versus letting something like the weather affect the kind of day you will have.
I can give you an example on how I utilize this idea. When the weather is warm and sunny, the most positive aspect I focus on is the excitement I can wear my sunglasses and flip flops. When it is cold and snowy, I focus on getting to wear my favorite boots and cozy sweater. And when it is a rainy day, my focus shifts to a perfect day for a massage or a good book. These are some of my silver linings regardless of how the weather or “circumstances” are flowing.
When you offer a positive outlook, you attract good feelings that help you have a more joyful day even when the circumstances aren’t as pleasing as you can imagine. Your creative power is in your focus.
Focus on looking for your silver linings in your day. The more you do that each day, you can shift your days more joyfully.