Like Spring and planting our gardens, we can sow seeds of joy in our life. When we plant seeds in the ground, we tend to nurture our seeds by taking the time to choose the location and take advantage of the sunshine and water. It’s all in the anticipation and expectation for the seeds to grow and produce. When we plant, we do so in the faith something will grow. Often if the crop has failed or the plants struggle, we try to give them more of what they need. They may need more or less water, extra nutrients, better soil, or more attention. We observe and add more love.
Like the time we give our garden and plants, we sow in our lives what we expect to grow whether we realize it or not. If you would like more joy in your life, you have the power to plant and grow those seeds. The more seeds of joy you plant each day, the more joy from your crop you can harvest.
Each day are you planting seeds. Your feelings and actions are your seeds. It helps to be aware of what you’re sowing. Are you feeling joyful, or are you frustrated, complaining, and upset more often? Even if your life isn’t where you want it to be in the now, the power you have to make it better is with the seeds you plant in your life. You can keep choosing joy and planting that energy each day to receive those crops. If you are finding yourself complaining about your current circumstances and dislikes, you’re planting seeds opposite of joy.
You do not generally harvest immediately. You plant, love, and nurture your crops while you wait. In life, we can plant, invest time, love, and nurture ourselves as well. We plant many seeds in life. From our gardens, our homes, our children, and our legacies, we are continuously planting seeds. It is important to remember the seeds of joy: joy for ourselves and joy for others. When we sow seeds of joy within ourselves, we have more harvest to give and share with others. The investments we make with ourselves extend beyond ourselves.
We need to patient and trust our harvests. As we sow joy and kindness into our lives each day, we will reap the rewards over time. The more we understand this trust and continue to deposit and nurture our self-harvests, the more fruition we can receive. As you move through your day, pay attention to the seeds you’re planting for your future.
Be inspired by your seeds. Plant the seeds you wish to receive in life. If you want more joy, love, happiness, health, or wealth, you have the ability to plant those seeds. Since you are choosing seeds and planting every day, you might as well be choosy. I challenge you to consciously choose your seeds. In the way you think about yourself, in the way you treat others, and the way you navigate through your day. Think about what you want to harvest. Every day you do have the option to choose joy.