Often what stops us from taking risks and following our dreams is the belief that we have to know how to do everything first. No one starts out as an expert or a professional. You have to take a risk, and experience and learn any field as you go. You begin by setting an intention and moving towards the dream. When you make a decision or intention, you open up the channels to see the path unfold. You narrow your focus for the steps/keys that could help you learn and grow. People, events, and circumstances line up with the energy you set in motion.
Everything in the universe is energy in motion. Intentions and ideas set the declaration for the energy in motion. Basically, what you set forth, you attract. Our ideas, hobbies, and dreams take a risk of trust from us. We move forward one step at a time. We can only develop and learn what we need to when we are ready, and also as we progress. The only way to get from starting to the goal is a step.
It’s rooted in the silent yearning within us, the little hobbies that bring us happiness, and it’s the curiosity that nudges us towards joy. We stall and cause much suffering onto ourselves with excuses we give as to why we aren’t following our dreams.
The cool tip is that you can have fun when you take a risk and follow your dreams. You can begin with baby steps towards your dreams rather than a leap off the diving board. You can also glide into the shallow end before you move into the flow of the deep end. The same way you may have learned to swim, or perhaps ride a bike, you learned your skill over time. You can be just as gentle with yourself and not give up.
To master anything is to learn. It is a process. Take a risk in learning about your passions and hobbies. Have fun in the process and give an opportunity to allow your dreams to come alive. The time in life passes anyway. The responsibilities will remain, and so will your yearnings. So consider as the time passes in your life, to carve out some time in your weekly schedule to have fun and follow your passions.
It takes a risk, but you can have fun, and you have the capability to follow your dream!!!!!