When you speak kindly and positively to yourself, you are creating a healthier environment for your cells to heal, respond, and thrive. The cells in your body are ears to your self-talk and your feelings. Think of your cells in your body like receivers of messages from your nervous system. Your nervous system functions by receiving messages from the cells and the body as well as sending messages back to them.
You can play an important role in your own health by being aware of how you think and feel and by practicing improved thoughts and feelings. In a sense, you are always serving as your own doctor by how you think, feel, and take care of yourself. I have noticed when working with clients and discussing health issues through the years that many people are not taught how powerful their nervous systems are and how much potential their thinking plays in their own health.
A positive mindset regardless of your diagnoses and illnesses can not only change the dynamic of your care, but also give you the potential to improve your outcomes. Many people can feel helpless and reliant on other’s opinions when it comes to their health. I believe the more you can become your own advocate and be aware of your potential, the more you can feel empowered and have a positive effect on anything going on in your life and health.
It starts with daily practice and being aware of how you feel about yourself and what you are thinking to yourself. If you are generally not being kind to yourself and speaking hurtful things to yourself, you cells and body are listening and respond accordingly. I understand we all have conditions and body images we may want to improve, but being negative towards those issues actually creates more to be unhappy with. Your thoughts are energy, and those messages transporting through our nerve cells are what our brains have to work with.
To change or improve a situation, we must start with our minds and how we think about them. It is certainly okay to want to improve ourselves and feel better. The importance is to know the role we play in assisting our cells. Even if you are unhappy with an illness or body image, you have to improve your thoughts and feelings about it to leverage the power of your nervous system.
The biggest behavior I ask you to change is hating yourself. That energy is very harmful to your cells and to your entire being. You may need to be creative in your perspective with yourself, but starting small can help. Let’s say you have a disability. If you focus a lot of your energy on that problem, you give the disability more power–but if you can step back a little and be more grateful of what is working for you, you actually help your disabilities. Perhaps one thing in the moment you can be grateful for is that your heart beats daily and you have lungs to breathe. Can you still walk? Are you having to go through harsh treatments every week? When you stop to think about what is working, you may find a list of miracles that happen for you daily.
I find often when we stop to think about the things we do have working well, we find that we have more things going well than we do not. You can have nine things going well for you, but if you focus mainly on that one thing you do not like or feel good about yourself, you are not helping your cells exercise their miraculous capabilities. You inhibit what your body is capable of. Often our illnesses and disabilities have the power to teach us to love ourselves. Instead of viewing them as a burden or comparing ourselves with others, we can find gifts to help others and give our cells the potential to heal. After spending 10 years in the medical field, and then another 10 years in the holistic field, I have found no diagnosis to be permanent. I’ve seen so many miracles where people have beaten the odds with the power of their thoughts.
So instead of feeling helpless or angry about your situation, consider accepting the information that your thoughts can be the miracle you’ve been waiting for. It is with you now and has been all along. Be kinder and more positive to yourself and give your cells better energy to work with. When you can believe in yourself and the power of your cellular system, you have more leverage and potential than you do by being hard or negative towards yourself.