Do you ever ponder on the phrase “Today is a new day”? It is not just that you’ve slept and have renewable energy, but a chance to create anew each day. In the little steps of every day life, we have an opportunity to be joyful or unhappy. By what we dwell on (think) and by how we feel. I’ve talked a bit about how we are energy. We also have electromagnetic fields around us. We create through that field onto the world by our thoughts and emotions. When we take the time to more positively focus we do become better at feeling good more of the time. The better you feel on many subjects, the more you can feel the power/energy that creates worlds flowing through and to you. Energy is the currency of our universe. What you allow your consciousness to focus on reciprocates those experiences to you whether you want it or not. So understanding how the laws of the universe respond, you can easily and simply use this to your advantage every day. I think it is quite amazing that this powerful energy that has created so much flows through us all, and by your everyday focus, you harness the power and ability to create your life the way you’d like it to be.
When you wake up in the morning you have the dawn and the chance of a new day. You do every day. Do you set your intentions and focus on the things working well? Or do you wake up and start thinking and worrying of yesterday’s worry and problems. When you bring forth yesterday’s drama, you actually call forth more of that energy. Thoughts are energy and vibration that you are projecting on yourself and out into the universe. That is why it can be very beneficial to be mindful of what you dwell on. When your mad, complain, and blame, you are contributing more to the problems rather than allowing the solutions. When you see things that are unwanted it is necessary to look for the love or expansion, or you may very well create more unsettling feelings. I think, at first, you may have to practice mindfulness to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, but the more attention you pay to how you feel and how you’re responding, you then begin to create more deliberately rather than default. I think starting with yourself is simpler and than moving on to family, friends, and the world.
It starts with us from within.
How are you thinking of yourself and your feelings? Are you celebrating all your joys? Or are you being hard on yourself and focusing on lack? Even the thoughts of ourselves and circumstances affects our energy and contributes to our creations. Start simple if you feel like you’re not very good at being positive about yourself. You may have the starting point that you woke up, you’re alive, you have legs, you’re breathing on your own. Reach as far as you need and slowly work your way into noticing the great things about yourself. Believe it or not, we all have beautiful and unique gifts to offer. We are more than our body/shell we walk around in. We have much more to offer than what the physical eyes see. No one on earth is like you and can be you except you. Why waste any second pondering or comparing yourself to another. When you use your energy to focus on your good, you feel good.
Isn’t that the goal?
To be happy and feel good?
I’ve learned the better you feel, the more joy, excitement, and passion you bring to you and to others. So instead of looking for love, a better career, abundance, or health, try focusing on your best in yourself and let what you desire come towards you. Be good to yourself, be happy, and let it in.