You can trust your dreams. We are born with instincts that serve us for our entire lifetime. Sometimes our life experiences and people we grow up around teach us out of listening to ourselves. We pass along patterns of things we may think are better advice. Often it can be very beneficial to learn tips from people that may have traveled a road ahead of you. I think we can forget the importance of listening to our instincts as well. We can not have the same experience as other people so you have to wade carefully when listening to advice.
It can save us some time and trouble when people share, but be aware of your own navigation. When we receive inspiration, an impulse or a gut feeling, that is our invitation to possibilities. Other people can not receive your opportunities for you and often will not understand following your path.
When you share a dream or idea with someone, you may receive their fears as advice. For example have you ever shared something daring you wanted to do with someone and their response was “Well, you can’t do that” or “I don’t know how that could work out”? At times we immediately shut down and agree, or we could realize that their response is only a reflection of their fear. Just because they do not know how to do your idea or work it out has absolutely nothing to do with you. They are simply sharing their doubts.
When we can trust our hunch and walk out on faith, doors open and the right people show up to support you on your hunch. It can take a little courage on our part to stand with our instincts. They do not have to make sense to anyone to keep moving forward. We often look for approval to move forward without realizing they come from a different perspective and getting their own ideas and hunches.
We also do not see the entire road as we set out on your journeys in life, but neither do you when you get in your car and drive a long distance. I do bet you believe you will get there or you wouldn’t be on the road. So in life it is a similar analogy. We can let the unknown stop us from starting our dreams and passions, or like driving to a destination, you can trust you will eventually arrive. If you wait for all the pieces to fall perfectly in place, you often stay stagnant and this can lead to unhappiness. Waiting for the right time can rob you of joyful experiences and the chance at your dreams.
It is another reason why it is called a leap of faith. You move forward trusting that not only it will work out, but the path lights up along the way. We all still stumble and make mistakes on our journeys to our dreams–just as in life it can be full of ups and downs. Many successful people in their careers and dreams speak of falling many times. The difference is they got back up. They trusted their hunches and followed through. No matter how long a dream can take to come to fruition, the time will pass anyway. What better way to spend some of your time and days than pursuing what you enjoy? You will be happier as you reach your goals and dreams.
I encourage you to listen to those inner voices and callings and follow them. If you’re too vulnerable to share them, nurture them with yourself first. And if you choose to share them, don’t take others’ reactions too personally. You have the gift of your own instincts for a reason. They are for you. Allow those who will support you and help you show up, and be patient and kind with those that may not understand. Just don’t let other people stop you with their doubts and fears. Perhaps you will even inspire them to listen and discover their own dreams. While you follow your own inspiration, you show an example of how they can dare to follow their paths as well.
Trust your dreams, no matter how far-fetched they seem from logic. As Martin Luther King once said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase; Just take the first step.” Paths are one foot in front of the other. And keep moving forward. Many things will happen along the way, but you can Trust Your Dreams.