When you ponder if you’re good enough, worthy enough, or even talented enough, I think it’s worth remembering you are uniquely you. No one can do any task, role, or job just like you. You may come across kindred spirits or friends that have much in common with you, but no one can be exactly like you.
So before you continue to measure yourself, compare yourself, or simply doubt yourself, remember you have a unique ability that only you bring to the table. You entail your own strengths, perspective, and style. Your smile, your laugh, and even the place of some freckles. Even twins have distinguishable features. There is room for a variety of contribution in this world. What a boring place it would look and feel if we were all moving around and looking the same!
When I was growing up, I was lucky my mom pretty much let me pick out my clothes and dress myself. Looking back at pictures, that clearly showed through. I have to admit I may have come off pretty tacky at times, but no one else had my style. From the way we fix our hair, to the way we wear our clothes, we could be more encouraging and do more to embrace each other’s uniqueness.
When I notice people making fun of how others dress or look, I think we are disempowering ourselves. When we do this, we reveal our inner judge and critic. Maybe this is their sense of style. Maybe it’s all they had available to wear. Perhaps they were having a bad day and that was the best they could do at the time. Maybe they don’t look in the mirror and try to please other people.
We have plenty of ways we can help and uplift each other without cutting down our appearances and feelings. The next time you’re in a store and perhaps someone has their pajamas on, give them a smile or high five for courageously being themselves. Be happy they are able to be in the store and make purchases to begin with. Some people out there on limited budgets have to miss out on those luxuries we may take for granted.
I certainly think it would feel a little weird if everyone showed up looking like me. We can appreciate our differences and uniqueness as we all add special ingredients to life. Our attire, our cars, our jobs, our homes, and our hobbies are all uniquely for our own choices. Sure, it’s fun when you encounter people that enjoy similar things. I’m just pointing out trying not to lose sight of the beauty in our differences and diversity.
The next time you’re up for a job, or meeting someone new, or perhaps questioning your appearance before you leave your home out into public, remember your unique strengths. You have a beautiful uniqueness no one else can occupy. For example, let’s use the possibility of new job or position for instance. You may find yourself not getting picked for the position. Rather than feeling not good enough for the position, you can feel like the position wasn’t good enough for you. You want to embark on things suited for you. There is a straight line to misery when you try force something that isn’t for you.
Your unique strengths give you an advantage of what you offer. Carry this confidence in your heart and if the position or situation doesn’t work out, you can be grateful that a more unique opportunity for you is on the way. Changing the energy of feeling unworthiness or something being wrong with you to feeling vibrant and uniquely you can open space for more empowering energy and opportunities.
It’s a feeling and a blessing to carry with you. You are uniquely you!