I like to focus my blogs on being positive and how to increase your vibration to align yourself to receive more joy in your life. With that being said, it is not to deny that we all have bad days. I loose my footing and have mishaps just like anyone else. There are days that feel like nothing goes right and the momentum spirals from there. I think everyone can relate to those times.
My proposal is for you to become more aware of ways to shift the momentum and understand the power of your focus. We are going to have contrasting moments in life and notice energy that does not jive well with us. You can learn not to dwell too much in those circumstances. When you worry or think for long periods of time on subjects that upset your peace, you give more energy to those unpleasing circumstances. The objective is to recognize what we can learn or receive from that situation, and then use the power of our thoughts, focus, and feelings to redirect the energy into a more positive outcome or experience.
Think of it like going to a restaurant and there is a large variety of foods to choose from. There will be foods you like and foods you may not like. Just because the food you do not like is on the menu does not mean you have to order it and eat it. And there are going to be people who will choose the items from the menu that you do not like. You can focus more on what works for you and allow others to figure out what is appealing to them. You can spend your time ranting about how the menu should be changed or you can use your energy to allow the differences in what the menu has to offer. Now let’s apply that menu metaphor to the world.
When you focus less on the perspective that is unpleasing to you, you have an opportunity to focus on a more joyful perspective. You may also have limited options within the circumstances, but you always have the ability to choose your response to them. Give yourself permission to pick the perspective from the menu of life that you enjoy. Since we are creative beings with our energy, I believe you have the power to focus your energy into more good days than bad. So when you hit a snag or bad day, remember you can shift some momentum by focusing on your joy.