Often our yes is more than an answer or response. It is often an opportunity. An invitation to a journey. A journey of experiences, lessons, and growth. It is a gauge to help you towards the direction in which you intend to go. We say yes when we are ready to learn.
When you say yes, it certainly doesn’t mean that you are ever fully ready or know how things will go. Yes is the opening of a door. Perhaps many doors. No guarantees, but there really aren’t many in flow and energy in life.
It helps to be cautious with the expectation of yes. Yes is where you intend to go, but I think it is helpful to understand that all yeses come with a journey that can be full of ups and downs.
The important thing to note is the opportunity of yes. It can be an avenue to a successful business journey. You will learn over time from your yes what works and often what doesn’t work. Saying yes is an invitation to the opening of what is possible.
Where no simply shuts all doors, yes allows. Yes is an opportunity to be more understanding and more open to life. Yes allows the energy to move in the direction of our dreams, hopes, and desires.
Yes can also move through failures to your success. Think of it this way: When a baby is first learning to walk, just because he falls several times does not mean he/she won’t ever walk. Just because you have a fight with your significant other doesn’t mean your relationship has to be over. It’s an opportunity to say yes and continue to try and move forward.
Yes is allowing yourself to be less rigid. Energy can flow better when we don’t try to block the flow. Yes can use the energy to leverage the universe. How can you attempt any new career, idea, or dream if you aren’t willing to say yes?
Yes opens the space to be picked by ideas and inspiration. When you say yes, you certainly don’t have to have all the answers to move forward. Most often that is impossible to know. Until we are all given a crystal ball in seeing the future, we have the unknown to rely on. There is such beauty in the unknown as well. It can feel shaky, but how boring life would be if we could see the entire staircase! We would kill our desire to strive and accomplish anything right there.
What would be the point of moving if we knew how the whole movie would play out? Yes is a step. Yes is a try. Yes is a permission slip to the journey. Yes is embarking onto a path. And though there is also great power in when to use the word no, we often throw it out before thoroughly considering the yes. We can get into a bad habit of automatically saying yes or no. When we do this, we miss so many options and opportunities and blessings in life. We need to take time to consider things before a quick response.
I have a tip that has helped myself and many through the years. Anytime you are proposed an opportunity in anything in life, before saying yes or no, think about it. Give yourself the space to see and feel if the fit of opportunity is there for you. I certainly think we should all give ourselves that space before any decision. When we answer on the spot without giving it some room in consideration, we can regret our answer. Tell the other or others you will have to take it into consideration. You reserve the right to figure out what is best.
Once you give it a little time to examine and contemplate, you can allow the space to receive guidance and information. Explore the opportunities of your yeses and noes. Will the yes be the direction you are wanting to head? You won’t have all the answers to begin with. Your yes is the beginning. When you say yes, be ready. You are granting access to infinite energy. You open up a portal to a journey and lessons. Be aware of the opportunities and beauty of your YES!