The thoughts you think and words you speak create your experiences. I believe this is one of our greatest powers and potentials. To acknowledge this capability gives you the opportunity to shape your life towards what you want more of. Whether the desire is for better health, love, finances, self improvement, spirituality, or happiness, you are the navigator of your life experience.
Our thoughts and emotions are vibrational energy. Everything vibrates at some speed. Everything that appears solid is a summation of vibration and energy. From the things we see, to nature, us, and even our thoughts all vibrate frequency and energy.
Quantum physics has proved that even though matter appears solid, when you look at it through high powered microscopes, it breaks down into immeasurable energy. One of my favorite physicist and inventors Nikola Tesla stated, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”. He often harnessed the power of his brain and thoughts to create, discover, and invent some of the greatest discoveries of all time. He appeared to understand this process enough to leave behind a legacy of inventions and ideas.
What we download into our subconscious becomes the vibration and frequency we operate from. What is important to know for navigation in life is the awareness of what you are vibrating. Are you living and experiencing what you want? Are you receiving the experiences of your desires? The helpful tip is to know more of how to align and vibrate towards what you intend.
I like to focus in small applicable ways that you can implement in your life. When you wake up, Do you set the intention for your day? Do you choose to be happy? Or do you wake up and start your day in habits and actions without much thinking? Are you present in those moments, or moving through the actions for completion? A good step is first to be aware of your current point of attraction, then you can be more deliberate in how you align with your thoughts and create your day. To intend or unite with more positive thoughts help you to vibrate in a higher frequency. The more positive your thinking becomes regularly, you will vibrate a frequency that attracts more positive experiences and circumstances in your life.
If you are very negative and complain frequently, you set your energy and point of attraction to a vibrational frequency that attracts those experiences. More worry, and stress breeds more worry and stress. Again, whether it be more positive or negative, you receive more of the same frequency your vibrating. The choice is yours. Every day. And you can shift it bit by bit every day by paying attention and choosing your frequency. Understand and believe in your power. Shape your life into a life you love by using your thoughts and words to vibrate that frequency. You are the author of your story and captain of your ship.