What’s your work? Some think of it as how you earn money. What you do for a living. Many struggle to know their work. As if we have one purpose. To be a doctor, an artist, a singer, or perhaps a writer.
My advice: Relax. Even if we are blessed to “know” some of our greatest gifts and talents, it doesn’t encompass all you do. Or what you are. It is also not limited to one art or study. It’s the many things we do and experience in life.
Your work is to shine your light. Your work is to watch for the paths towards excitement and joy. Your work is to follow passions and what you love. Your work is to experience the journey. One becomes a doctor from many years of studying and being mentored along the journey. One becomes an artist over the hours and years practicing his or her craft. One becomes a writer from much contemplation, learning, and outpour. They are all journeys. Would you want a doctor who never studied or practiced to perform your surgery?
We can appreciate ourselves and each other by recognizing we are all on a journey. We are all at different places and infused with many journeys simultaneously. Your work is not getting caught up in end goals because the experience is in the journey. Besides, even when you meet a goal, there will be something next. Life doesn’t stop moving because of your accomplishments. I’m not here to say you can’t be appreciative and proud of your goals. Just a reminder that the experience is in the journey.
I have clients who feel there is something next and don’t know what that journey is. Or maybe you have gotten into a habit of not believing in yourself or your work. Your work is to notice what lights you up and share your light with others. The world needs you. Your talents and your gifts can only come from you. You never know who needs you somewhere out there or who may be waiting for your gift.
Your work is to focus on your passions and intentions. Your work and yourself can be held back if you worry about being good enough, comparing your progress with others, or maybe just doubting yourself and your work.
Do you worry if you’re good enough? Do you compare your work to others? This holds your work back. You can be in the same profession as others, but they can’t do their work the way you do. You will practice the art (any art) with your own style and fashion. Rather than comparing, you can empower yourself and your work better by realizing that each journey is individualized with its own rewards and remembering that there are people who need you and your work.
Maybe someone has already written on the topic you’re sharing. Maybe someone out there needed to read it the way you wrote it. Maybe someone else has spoken about the topic you’re sharing. Maybe someone out there needed to hear it the way you said it. Maybe someone else out there is also styling hair, teaching, selling, practicing law, but maybe someone out there needs the way you style hair, teach, sell, or practice law. You won’t often find yourself in your field alone, but you will be the only one executing your craft and gifts the way you do.
We are all needed somewhere. It can be uplifting and life giving to know your work is needed and has a place in the world. Your work is of you. Embrace your journey. For it can’t look like anyone else’s anyway. Your work is your creation.