You can’t often control circumstances, but you can choose the direction of your thoughts.

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You have the abliity to focus in ways that you have not exercised enough to see the results of  your desires.  Too many people are dependent on the behavior of too many others which they don’t have any control over. They then put themselves in control freak modes which is attempting to control the uncontrolable. 

You can adjust your feelings and vibrations to match what you do want.  You just have to spend more time looking at what you do want instead of always focusing on what you don’t want.  Because you can not have both.   Your focus is like a muscle, the more you practice the better you get at it.  If you’ve not practiced the habit of looking for the good in things; being positive, or even being grateful;  it may take a little time changing the direction of your habitual focus (momentum).  That is why small steps each day can increase your outlook and intentions.  

   I believe science is just starting to catch up with understanding the power we have using our minds and yes, our imagination.  We are often taught to ignore our imaginations and accept “responsiblitlies” and by the time we’ve matured quite a bit,  we realize it’s a sham.  We actually create with our imagination. Whether the focus is on things we want or dread, we get what we think about and our expectations are met with how we feel. It can seem daunting at first to realize the power of our thoughts and emotions.  But it can be a wonderful gift once you slow down enough to care about how you’re focusing.  It does take a little awarness and paying attention. You start to become more dilberate in your thinking and thus more picky about your thoughts and reactions to others. 

You can’t often control circumstances, but you can choose the direction of your thoughts.  So be picky about what you focus on and create a positive and enjoyable direction for you thoughts. 

Carve some time in regularly doing something you love!

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Have you heard the quote, “Do something today that your future self would thank you for.”? Many people think about savings, future investmets, and responsibilites. What we do in the now is creating our future. We have many responsibilites to tend to, but how many of us are regularly investing time into our hobbies and dreams? By taking some steps into investing time into ourselves and hobbies, we are slowly creating success in the activities we love. Many times the little things you do on the side and in your spare time turn into new careers, happy habits, and making money in the things we love to do. The intent you put into the activities has greater power and advantage over many of our action oriented tasks we do each day. I’ve discussed in my blogs before the power we have in our focus and intent. When we carve some time in regularly doing something we love, we turn that time into more opportunites for passionate careers and success. It may be things you’ve put off or always wanted to dabble in or try. You may need to explore new interests. Have you always wanted to play an intrument and never learned? Have you always wanted to take an art or pottery class? A night class at a community college working towards a dream? You can start anywhere, anytime, with small steps. You don’t have to quit your day job and invest all your time into a new endeavor to get to your dreams. You start small, where you are and where you can. Designate an hour a day, a couple hours a week, or anything that fits your lifestyle reasonably. When you start at a place that is comfortable, you are more likely to get going. Once I started my 1st pottery class and blog, I had to start small and learn along the way. Just the act of setting the boundaries for my time, it empowered me to find more time for the things I enjoyed. Sometimes it’s also good to reprioritize our time. Some things that don’t serve us well can be let go. As I have spent time enjoying these activities, they have turned into bigger projects that I didn’t even think I could do at the beginning. The intent carried me through to new levels while I was having fun. I think so often this is how it happens for us. When we take time to focus, it is surprising what can happen. Still, it does beging with a start, anywhere. It’s not so hard to do when you are choosing to spend time on things you love, enjoy, or always wanted to do. Make the call, sign up for the class, ask for help and referrals to get you going in the direction of those hobbies. They do turn into dreams. You don’t have to see the whole road or stair case to get going. Have fun with the ideas and a bit of day dreaming. Take a step in doing more things you love. See where it takes you, but usually the joy leads the way to places you didn’t even see coming. Commit some fun and joy to yourself. Regularly.  

It will pay off. 

Celebrate your life everyday

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Do you save up and wait for special occasions to celebrate? I have to call myself on this one sometimes. I catch myself holding on to that good bottle of wine or favorite bath product for a special occasion. My family called me out recently on categorizing every day drinking wine to special occasion wine.  What am I saving it for?  

The tomorrow that may or may not come?  

I think we forget that each day is a gift and a new time to create. We get so caught up in everyday routines that we forget to celebrate without a holiday or a reason. Again, what we focus on and turn our attention/energy to is what will expand. So, are we expanding the miracle of waking up each day? Or are we contracting that miracle by dreading the chores and responsibilities of daily life? I think it’s good to pause as much as possible and take note of where our focus is. The more we celebrate things (aka be grateful for), the more we attract things to celebrate. Every day is a gift of life, regardless of the things going on. Take the time to do something each day that maybe you would only do on a marked or special occasion. It can be small or big. It doesn’t matter. 

It’s your life, and you should be happy.  

    What things can you do that bring a smile to your face? Have fun, make a list, create a vision board, or just open that good bottle of wine. Life is supposed to be good to you. Make your favorite dinner. Pack your loved ones a lunch and put in a surprise note and chocolate treat. Remember the little kind things you do for yourself and others come back to you. Not only do you put a smile on their face, but you will feel it as well. It’s celebrating everyday. Do we need a birthday to do a kind act for ourselves and friends? When you treat your life as a holiday everyday, you create the space for others to feel the same. What makes you happy that you often put off for that special,occasion? 

The more you celebrate yourself, the more kind you are to others, and the more inspiration you receive to do the same for others. You’ve got to put gas in your own tank to help others. Practice doing something for 30 days straight every day and keep a journal or log on how these things go. 

See where it takes you. 

I bet you’ll extend those kind acts to others. Have you ever surprised a friend with a gift basket for no special occasion or bought a stranger a coffee? Have you ever felt the need to pay anonymously for someone’s dinner? Have you left a big tip for a server? The things we extend to others is not only what we attract back, but what makes the world a better place. 

    When we come from love, compassion, and the understanding that we all have different paths and perspectives, we can create a space for acceptance of each other. We can be more gentle with each other. We can heal ourselves, each other and our planet all by celebrating each day as a gift. I encourage you to to 30 days of random acts of kindness. It doesn’t matter if it’s to you or others. It’s just an uplifting focus to show you how powerful you are in how you create your life.  

Celebrate your life. Your life is a gift. To yourself, and to others. 

What are you speaking into existance? 

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What are you speaking into existence?    The words you speak, the feelings you experience, and the thoughts you dwell on are what you create to existence.   This is why I talk so much in my blogs about what you’re thinking, feeling and attracting.  It’s one thing to intellectually understand this concept, and it’s another to be aware of what you create.  I like to think about a quote from Hafix, “The words you speak become the house you live in”.  It takes a little practice to slow down and be mindful of how you not only talk to yourself, but about how you speak about yourself and others.   How you describe yourself and what you point out in others is what you tend to experience in life.  Do you generally focus on people’s strengths and good points?  Or have you gotten into the habit of pointing out their flaws and what you don’t like?  The same concept of looking for positive things rather than dwelling on the negative is also applied in how we see ourselves and others.  We always have in every moment the opportunity to either decide to see the good that people bring to the table,  or decide to we can point out their weakness.   Do we all not learn from our choices?  How does it make you feel when you aren’t being encouraged and inspired? Have you ever been grateful for another chance?  For the grace to be better?  OR did you pick up a pattern of condemning others actions?  When we try to encourage and lift others up rather than point out where you think they’ve gone wrong, you not only inspire them to be better, but you are also speaking those experiences into your existence, as well.  When you take the time to see the kindness and possibilities in others, you also create more positive opportunities for yourself.  If you can realize and believe that you have the energy and power that has created the world flowing through you then you can realize the power you have to affect the world around you.  How are you using your power?  How are you creating with this energy that exists in us all?  Are you lifting yourself and others up?  Or are you complaining and condemning ways you may not understand.  Some food for thought is the next time you make a statement, or even bigger, make a post publicly on social media like facebook, stop and think “What am I growing and expanding?” Are you inspiring and helping others or could you be pointing out faults where you may not have the whole picture.  Sometimes before you judge,  perhaps you can realize that maybe they made the best decision from their level of consciousness at the time.  Maybe no one has encouraged or helped them.  Maybe they needed that path to learn their power.  Maybe they are in the midst of learning when you observed their actions.  Where would you be if no one ever believed in or encouraged you?  I personally make more efforts to let people express their freedom without comparing them to my experience.  This has not only brought me more freedom and peace, but the understanding that I am giving them what I desire as well.  The more I practice mindfulness of what I think, feel, do and say, the less time I have to compare, compete, and judge.   I don’t have the power over others, but I do harness the power of my creations. 
I care about what I experience in life.  Learning to practice more carefully of what I am speaking into existence gives me the opportunity to create more joy and happiness into my life.  I am allowing more gratitude and, in return, receiving more in which I can be grateful.  When you understand that you receive what you put out into the universe, you can find the importance to pay more attention to the energy you’re giving out.  I can say that I haven’t changed every habit over night, but the more attention I give to my actions, feelings, words, and vibrations, the easier it gets.  The more I can change my thoughts, feelings, and actions, the more joy, security, happiness, and freedom I create and experience.  So I encourage you to, first, think about what you want to experience in life, and then pay attention to what you’re giving yourself and others.    As an old proverb once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step.”. 

Thoughts creating future

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Do you ever ponder on the phrase “Today is a new day”? It is not just that you’ve slept and have renewable energy, but a chance to create anew each day. In the little steps of every day life, we have an opportunity to be joyful or unhappy. By what we dwell on (think) and by how we feel. I’ve talked a bit about how we are energy. We also have electromagnetic fields around us. We create through that field onto the world by our thoughts and emotions. When we take the time to more positively focus we do become better at feeling good more of the time. The better you feel on many subjects, the more you can feel the power/energy that creates worlds flowing through and to you. Energy is the currency of our universe. What you allow your consciousness to focus on reciprocates those experiences to you whether you want it or not. So understanding how the laws of the universe respond, you can easily and simply use this to your advantage every day. I think it is quite amazing that this powerful energy that has created so much flows through us all, and by your everyday focus, you harness the power and ability to create your life the way you’d like it to be.
When you wake up in the morning you have the dawn and the chance of a new day. You do every day. Do you set your intentions and focus on the things working well? Or do you wake up and start thinking and worrying of yesterday’s worry and problems. When you bring forth yesterday’s drama, you actually call forth more of that energy. Thoughts are energy and vibration that you are projecting on yourself and out into the universe. That is why it can be very beneficial to be mindful of what you dwell on. When your mad, complain, and blame, you are contributing more to the problems rather than allowing the solutions. When you see things that are unwanted it is necessary to look for the love or expansion, or you may very well create more unsettling feelings. I think, at first, you may have to practice mindfulness to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, but the more attention you pay to how you feel and how you’re responding, you then begin to create more deliberately rather than default. I think starting with yourself is simpler and than moving on to family, friends, and the world.
It starts with us from within.
How are you thinking of yourself and your feelings? Are you celebrating all your joys? Or are you being hard on yourself and focusing on lack? Even the thoughts of ourselves and circumstances affects our energy and contributes to our creations. Start simple if you feel like you’re not very good at being positive about yourself. You may have the starting point that you woke up, you’re alive, you have legs, you’re breathing on your own. Reach as far as you need and slowly work your way into noticing the great things about yourself. Believe it or not, we all have beautiful and unique gifts to offer. We are more than our body/shell we walk around in. We have much more to offer than what the physical eyes see. No one on earth is like you and can be you except you. Why waste any second pondering or comparing yourself to another. When you use your energy to focus on your good, you feel good.
Isn’t that the goal?
To be happy and feel good?
I’ve learned the better you feel, the more joy, excitement, and passion you bring to you and to others. So instead of looking for love, a better career, abundance, or health, try focusing on your best in yourself and let what you desire come towards you. Be good to yourself, be happy, and let it in.

How to start your day for more Joy

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Have you taken the time to think about how you start your day? Is it paced, and are you able to center yourself before it begins? Or do you wake up and rush as soon as those feet of yours hit the floor. I can relate to many years of rushed mornings. I had a busy life and career and was taught primarily work ethics. I had no idea that my habits could affect my whole day – from the people I interacted with to the circumstances I was attracting. I think we all really do the best we can with what we know. It is what we’ve mimicked from our upbringings, and the roles/responsibilities we’ve taken on. I like to blog about the simple things we can do to shift our moments into more happiness and joy throughout our days. I think simple steps make it easier to apply and feel possible. When we start simple and can really apply these ideas we can, step by step, experience more joy. I enjoy studying neurology, how the brain works, our energetic/electromagnetic fields surrounding us, and how our consciousness works like a magnet. I break down what I understand into simpler strategies for my activities of daily living.
When we think of our consciousness like a living magnet, it helps to simplify the understanding to what we attract, and what we attract is the things going on all around us. You can really dig into the science of this from multiple resources, and the internet is endless with reading recommendations. It is here that I like to shorten that focus to easier understanding. When we arrange our day to give us a little time in the mornings before making our way into our actions of the day, we set the tone for how things will flow. If we jump up rushing, aggravated, or stressed, it sets the tone for the rest of our day, causing more of our day to bring us more stressful situations, people, and circumstances. So to have a smoother day, I believe we should take a few minutes in the morning to hone our actions in order to make the rest of the day more positive and, hopefully, have better results.
It doesn’t even require a lot of time. You will find it is worth the time to think of ways to create this for yourself, too. You can figure out what is realistic for you, but you may have to set your alarm a few minutes earlier to provide the time needed to find this window. Personally, I have sometimes just laid in bed, and before I even opened my eyes, I took the time to think about how I felt, what I was thankful for, and how I wanted to attend to my day (plus, I wanted to fool all our animals that I was not awake yet). I have especially done this when I know my day has a long agenda. I found this one, little, small thing carried me through my day with more patience and joy. On top of that I also found that I was attracting more positive experiences. Seemingly, the more I practiced this a few minutes each morning, the better my days become. This motivated me each day to put more things into practice that worked for me. The more I practiced, the easier these routines became. The point to doing these things was to increase my happiness. I can, without a doubt, say that this has worked for me. Now I try to arrange my morning to have, at least, an hour for my cup of coffee. It helps me focus, reflect, and set my intended schedule for the day. I like to practice meditation, and often I youtube my favorite speakers/teachers to listen to, as well. The motivation for my day has increased drastically. How I interact with my family, friends, clients, and strangers has improved. I must say that I have noticed a difference in the flow of my day. I am attracting better experiences – the best of which are the joyful surprises that seem to manifest themselves from out of nowhere. I have found I like smiling, being positive and it feels good to have more joy each day.
The stress and cynicism were not serving me well. It was a habit that I picked up along my trail thinking I was applying humor, but I was, in fact, attracting more of what I wasn’t enjoying. The best news is that it doesn’t matter what habits we have needlessly adopted in our history. We have the choice and power each day to change those bad habits into good ones. We don’t have to keep doing what we’ve always done. We can apply things that work better.
Anyone can do it.
It may take a little practice to replace some of our default patterns, but just paying attention and making it simple is definitely possible. Make it a goal each day to get up and start with one simple thing that feels good to you. I encourage you to try it. It will be worth your “joy adustment”.

Time for a pause

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Time for a pause.

How are you feeling in this moment?
Are you breathing with ease?
Are you focused on the positivity in each moment?
It’s good to check in with yourself. Noticing how we feel in each moment slows us down to give us the opportunity to fine tune. Our small adjustments along the way is how major shifting can occur in life. To have a more balanced and less stress-paced life starts with simple steps, and every step helps you along to a joyful path.
Just a reminder – take it easy on yourself. It helps if you can take a fun or light approach. Being happy should not be work or something you “have to get done”. It is not a checklist. It is taking small moments for yourself throughout the day so you are in the driver’s seat. On very busy days, check in as much as possible to see how you’re feeling and breathing. Even if you have to go to the bathroom, lock the door, sit down and take 30 long breaths. No one knows whether you are using the restroom or not. Of course, you don’t have to use the restroom for personal time, but I know many of you out there (because I used to be one) that can not find much quiet time to yourself. That is why initially you may need to be creative. This is where you can have fun and giggle. Nothing is more important than centering yourself so you can better deal with your emotions, your family, your job, and your co-workers. Look for as many positive aspects in your day that you possibly can. End the day with noticing all the things that went right. Were there any surprises that things worked out better than you planned? It’s noticing these things that raise your vibrations and attract more happy moments.
It is important to remember that you do have a choice in how you create your life. You are more than just an observer. When you realize how much power you really have, your small choices in everyday moments can yield to you much happier events and circumstances. I found it was worth a try, and now I really appreciate the lighter, happier lifestyle I have. I do not have to worry about so many things. I can take it easy more often. I can love and appreciate myself no matter what image is looking back from the mirror. I’ve learned it is worth my time to more consistently go with the flow. When I trust that the universe is working out in my favor, lo and behold, it does. These days when something unpleasant sneaks up, I am learning to look at it through a different lens. I’ll address that more in the next blog, but you can rise up and change your vibration around things that aren’t so pleasing. It goes back to the simple step of tuning in, taking a deep breath and seeing it from another angle. It’s not rocket science, and if I can do it then so can you, my friend. Take more pauses, trust yourself, and let joy unfold.
This is only one process.
I have many more ideas for you…
Soon I will be asking what you’re doing for yourself just for fun. If your not doing much, it may be time for your joy adjustment.

Focusing on a happy new year

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As we wind up another year, many of us start to focus on the upcoming year for a fresh start and resolutions. It is easy to get motivated initially, but then it seems that, slowly, our plans dwindle to the way side. This year I have decided to keep with the themes I’ve addressed in my blogs and keep it simple. Instead of setting goals or intentions for the entire year of what I’d like to see or accomplish, I’m approaching the new year with a mindset of daily focus. Rather than look so far into the future and overshooting the immediate concerns, I am taking time in the mornings to center myself and set an idea for the day. We have great leverage in how we use our thoughts and focus. So this year instead of giving my power away to observing circumstances or sabotaging myself, I’m learning to be a more deliberate creator with my time. I set the day with positive momentum and gratitude instead of reacting to “what is”. We can still be happy and joyful regardless of the circumstances we see. I’ve found a powerful way to change the things we do not want is to change our reaction and vibration towards it. The simplest ways I can find to change the energy is to keep it simple on a daily basis. To be more present in the moment slows our momentum down enough to shift those vibrations. Just by keeping the intention of smaller focus points seems to move everything faster toward a more joyous and happy day. The more enjoyable days that I experience starts to turn into the joyful lifestyle that I set out for on this journey. In the end what we want the most is to be happy. It is no coincidence that when we are happy, our circumstances seemingly become better.
Our perceptions shift the energy towards our dreams.
It may not always appear to be this way, but the universe does conspire in our favor. When we focus on how we feel and not get so wrapped up in other people’s thoughts and expectations, we experience freedom, joy, and peace. We do not have power over other people’s opinions anyway. That is on them.
Rather than using our energy in such a negative way, let’s free all that energy and use it to be present and peaceful in our own lives. It is not only empowering to let ourselves off the hook, but it is life giving to others when they know you are not offering your opinions and approval – aka judgement – on their lives.
Life offers us a delicious buffet in which to live. Enjoy your own choices while allowing others to choose what suits them. I encourage you to give yourself the time each day in your focus and intentions to find your perfect preference. Keep it simple and find the joyful aspects as much as possible. Watch how that keeps you on track for a happy day, and how happy days slowly turn into a happy year, and then happy years turns into a more joyful life.
On that note, I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very happy and healthy new year.


Maintaining your peace and Joy this season

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I write this blog in dedication to each of you, including myself. It is the holiday season, and at a time for joy and celebration, there also seems to be an underlying chaos and stress that lurks amongst us. I find that there are more agendas, deadlines, and schedules to juggle. I think we all feel this pressure as we also endeavor to enjoy the season. I ponder how to create some space for myself and imagine so many of us looking for peace through the gatherings, cooking, decorating, buying gifts, and finishing out the year. For as much joy as the season can bring, it seems to take that much more work and energy just to create a festive atmosphere for our friends and family. There seems to be more get togethers and office parties in honor of the season.
Mixed emotions between family and loved ones can distract us into worry as well. Each year, I am learning to take simpler and slower steps to create a balance. Without creating some space for yourself during this season, it is very easy to over-obligate yourself and take on tasks that can suck the joy out of the season. I encourage you to honor yourself and think about all those yes’s before giving a commitment. As much as we would like to make each and every holiday gathering, all the while making pretty bows for each gift, and filling out endless holiday greeting cards, if we overextend ourselves trying to create the perfect holiday or not disappointing others, we can easily begin to spiral into tension and stress and forget the purpose that the season means to each one of us. Take some time to look at your schedules, your to do lists, and your shopping lists to ask yourself what is really necessary. Are you able to experience joy while you do them? Or are you actually trying to live up to a “standard” that you think is expected of you? These are important questions to ask. Eliminate unnecessary busyness and focus more on what is important. Sometimes cutting back and simplifying not only takes pressure off yourself but your loved ones around you, too. Again when you honor and take care of your happiness, you are giving that gift to those around you as well. Being that example can empower your loved ones into knowing that it is okay to do the same for themselves.
What do you want for your loved ones? I want my loved ones to have joy, peace, and love in all they do this season. I would much rather do without gifts or holiday trimmings if it is going to cause stress and heartache to the ones that l love. The only gift I would like to receive this year is to know they are experiencing joy and happiness for themselves. The more we experience that, the more we are able to give. We can give via inspiration and love rather than obligations. Remember the reasons we celebrate. Prioritize what is important to you and let the rest go. Enjoy your family and the season. Go get a massage, a pedicure, or treat yourself to a simple gift of relaxation. By creating time to be good to yourself, you create the space for giving and receiving peace. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” What we want in our lives starts with us. We receive what we vibrate. Another favorite example is the reminder from Dr. Wayne Dyer: “You don’t attract what you want; You attract what you are”.
Be at peace this season. Create your joy. Everything else will fall into its place. If it doesn’t, it probably wasn’t needed to begin with.

Don’t be so hard on yourself

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Thoughts are energy and they do manifest into things. So how can you make the connection of what your thinking and what you are manifesting? . One easy place to start is to be mindful and deliberate with your thoughts. If you aren’t always pleased with what is showing up and manifesting in your life, a simple understanding is to notice how you are encouraging yourself or being critical of yourself. I have found critical self talk to be one of the biggest habits holding you back from your dreams and self worth.
I know we do not always shift things from 1st gear to 5th gear all at once. In a car, for example, we know that doing this will burn out the clutch. The same holds true in life which is why we must practice our way of thoughts and habits by shifting a little at a time. I find it helpful to be easy on ourselves in the process. When we stop and analyze our self talk, it can be discouraging to notice how we have made it a habit of being so tough on our mistakes and choices. We are not often taught deliberate thinking and loving ourselves even when we make errors. So the 1st gear, or baby step, is to be gentle with ourselves. When we reflect on how things are or have been, (instead of beating up on ourselves for every little thing), remember that little saying that hind sight is 50/50. (50/50 or 20/20?) Most of the time we are doing the best we can from the consciousness level we are at. As we look back or experience the journey, we learn what works and what doesn’t. If we knew for sure the outcome ahead of time, we would not be having this human experience.
We often think to ourselves about what we “should have done”, “why did we make those mistakes”, “how could we have been so naive”, or the classic “I always mess things up”. We are really wasting our energy focusing on negative thoughts. The reason I use the term wasting is because we have the choice in every moment of how to focus our thoughts and energy. When we spend time being hard or critical on ourselves we are blocking blessings and positive energy that we are wanting to attract. To improve or create the life we wish & desire to live, we are attracting the opposite when we are being hard on ourselves.
Like attracts like.
So if you are not talking to yourself like you would your child or a loved one in your life, did you know that you are creating things you probably do not want?
When we fear, worry, and doubt, it attracts unwanted circumstances and events. When we say kind things to ourselves and soothe ourselves into better and more positive feelings, we start to consciously create more happy and joyful experiences. This is how we have the power and free will to create our life.
I like to give everyday, simple suggestions that may empower you to feel like positive change can be easy and work for you. Especially if your experiencing a string of stressful moments and situations.
Slow down.
Be kinder to yourself.
Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can, and encourage the bright side of the situation. You may have to look a little more to find it, but there is always a good perspective in any situation. You just may have to shift your focus and perspective to match that frequency. You may have to sit with it for a while until some peace comes. When frustrated about a situation, you may have to focus on something totally different and give your mind a break. That change in energy can either bring you clarity, or, many times, you’ll be surprised that the circumstances actually work themselves out.
And all you had to do was think differently.
Spend some quiet time either envisioning how you’d like to see things turn out and bring gratitude to your imagination, OR you can spend some time remembering good times or delightful surprises in your lifetime. By spending a little time and energy with your mind in these positive ways, You actually are creating the space and platform for more happiness and joyful experiences.
Be more light hearted. Don’t take everything you see and hear so seriously. Laugh at your self and your mistakes more. You’ll learn they really weren’t so big of a deal after all. I’ve learned the more I embrace my mistakes and errors as funny, the more I can sustain my positive radar. When you reveal your true self (errors and all), other people not only relate to you more, but you give them the room and courage to be their happy self. When you evoke kindness and easiness from yourself, you get to see and experience that with others. When you neglect your own thoughts and feelings, you truly can’t give the joy to others because you have never given it to yourself. Don’t try to hide your quirkiness, weirdness, or what you “think” society will see as faults. We were created differently, uniquely, and beautiful. It’s time to remind yourself of that and show it now. Embrace it, flaunt it, and encourage it. The more true and authentic you are to yourself, the more you’ll attract that joy from yourself, and you will invoke it from others. You’ll even rendezvous with more like you…. Like attracts Like…. What are you thinking to yourself?
Remember you have the wherewithal to change it. You are a powerful and creative being. You can do this even if it’s a little at a time. The more you practice, the better you get.

Watch for the joy adjustments.